The Anger Workbook for Women: How to Keep Your Anger from Undermining Your Self-Esteem, Your Emotional Balance, and Your Relationships by Laura Petracek. Description: “Although men and women can articulate anger in very different ways, books on managing problem anger tend to focus on men and their tendency toward more violent anger expression. This workbook addresses the unique concerns of women with anger problems. Rigid social patterning, the book argues, conditions many women to stifle or deny their anger, and this repression can cause a range of other psychological problems. Others experience violent, outwardly focused anger. Whichever pattern your anger follows, you’ll learn healthier ways to express your anger from this workbook. Building on women’s tendency to be more relational than men, this book advocates interactive techniques as a primary method of anger management intervention. It integrates elements of narrative, art, and music therapy into a powerful set of anger management tools. Cognitive behavioral and attitude adjustment exercises help you limit the power of anger-triggering situations. Worksheets and assessments guide you in an examination of family-of-origin issues that might contribute to your problems with anger. Sections of the workbook explore the connection between anger and substance abuse, mood disorders, and spirituality, as well as the issue of domestic violence in lesbian households.” (added 4/19/05) Note that purchasing using this link gives a 5% donation to SAFE, with additional cost to you.