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June is Elder Abuse Awareness Month

By Quad-City Times, 06/04/2023

“…Nearly 1 in 10 American senior citizens is abused or neglected each year, yet only 1 in 14 cases of elder abuse is brought to the attention of authorities, according to the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services…”

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Bill To Require Schools to Investigate Bullying Reports Passes House

By WWBL, 02/28/2023

“…The Indiana House is advancing a bill that would require schools to investigate reports of bullying. Under House Bill 1483, schools would also need to notify parents of the student who was bullied within three business days of the incident being reported…”

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The Difficulty of Recognizing Domestic Violence Against Men

By The Good Men Project, 02/15/2023

“…According to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, 1 out of 9 men has reported experiencing intimate partner violence, though it is probably fair to assume that this statistic does not take into account the tendency of men to underreport domestic violence due to gender roles and the accompanying embarrassment…”

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February is dedicated to Teen Dating Violence Awareness

By Spectrum News, 02/02/2023

“…According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, one in three young people will be in an abusive or unhealthy relationship. It’s a statistic, Birt told Spectrum News, SADD is working to reduce…”

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Intimate partner violence in LGBTQ+ relationships increased during pandemic, recent study says

By The Daily Targum 

“…IPV includes physical, sexual and/or emotional abuse between romantic or sexual partners, and other recent studies have found a high prevalence of IPV in relationships by individuals who identify as bisexual, lesbian and gay, as well as those who identify as transgender or gender non-conforming, according to the study…”

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‘Do I Belong Here?’ How well are male victims of domestic abuse served by local authority websites?

By The Centre for Male Psychology, 01/31/2023

“…Services supporting victims of domestic abuse should be available to everyone who needs  them. This includes the approximately third of domestic abuse victims who are male…”

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Bullying at school: What parents can do to help victims and stop bullies

By CNN, 01/16/2023

“…There’s a crisis of bullying in US schools, and the solution is learning what to do before it happens. One in 5 students report being bullied, according to data from the National Center for Educational Statistics…”

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Why Your Sibling Could Actually Be Toxic, and How To Help Them

By Newsweek, 11/19/2022

“…As with friends and partners, sibling relationships can become toxic. When this happens to you, it’s important to take precautions and protect yourself. Over eight in 10 children in the U.S. grow up with a sibling, which is more than the number of kids living with a father. Children spend more out-of-school time with their siblings than with anyone else, including parents and friends…”

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Social workers share key signs of elder abuse and neglect, along with tips to prevent it

By Insider, 01/05/2023

“…Every person deserves to be treated with respect and care, no matter their age. But in the US, about one in 10 older adults living at home have experienced elder abuse. This intentional harm, mistreatment, or neglect often happens at the hands of a caregiver or another adult who has regular contact with the person…”

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