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About 1 in 6 older Australians experiences elder abuse. Here are the reasons they don’t get help

By The Conversation, 11/09/2023

“…Each year, many older Australians experience abuse, neglect or financial exploitation, usually at the hands of their adult children or other close relatives…”

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When Does Sibling Fighting Become Harmful?

By Psychology Today, 09/11/2023

“…Currently, society’s notions of typical sibling behaviors include a vague and wide range of behaviors, leaving parents and practitioners often confused about whether behaviors between brothers and sisters have gone too far. As a result, harmful sibling behaviors, even abuse, often go unrecognized and are commonly dismissed as sibling rivalry…”

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Intimate partner violence happens to every gender and partner pairings 

By George Mason University, 10/09/2023

“…An overwhelming number of resources available to survivors are specifically catered toward women, which can alienate men seeking help. Men are also socialized to not express their emotions and are often shamed for speaking up about their abuse because of the widespread belief that men can’t be survivors of abuse, especially in a heterosexual relationship…”

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California family receives $27 million settlement over death of teen assaulted by fellow students

By USA Today, 09/13/2023

“…A Southern California school district agreed to pay $27 million to settle a lawsuit brought by the family of a 13-year-old boy who died after he was assaulted by two students four years ago…”

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Sibling Bullying and Abuse: Reasons, Types, Signs and Prevention

By UNB, 08/30/2023

“…We often forget other bullying behaviors like sibling bullying and abuse. In this article, we will explore the causes behind sibling bullying, its diverse forms, red flags to pay attention to, and most importantly, effective strategies for parents to both avert and tackle such conduct…”

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Elder Law Is More Important Than Ever. Why? Baby Boomers.

By Yahoo Finance, 09/13/2023

“…The growing number of elderly in the U.S. has created a need for lawyers trained to serve clients with the distinct needs of the elder, and several organizations now focus on elder law…”

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Lesbian domestic violence proves it’s not just a male problem

By Augusto Zimmermann, 07/22/2023

“…However, it is a myth that domestic violence is all about men hurting women in heterosexual relationships. Domestic violence is also a ‘silent epidemic’ in lesbian relationships. As the studies of lesbian violence demonstrate, women are capable of being as violent as men in intimate relationships…”

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