Bullying Campaign
This campaign is organized to present accurate, balanced, and objective information about the prevalence and impact of bullying and cyberattack bullying has children, adults, and communities. Our campaign consists of speakers who are approved by the SAFE International Board and represent a broad range of expertise. It is designed to be implemented into local schools and organizations as an Anti-Bullying Spirit Week or educational presentation.
Our new bullying campaign was designed to educate children, teens, parents, and schools about the issue of bullying. It offers hope for every student who experiences the harmful effects of all forms of bullying and teaches parents to keep open communication with their children and teens and to look for signs. It also educates school administrators across the country, on successfully addressing bullying.
Today’s students are at-risk for bullying, and that risk grows more and more every day as the popularity of the Internet increases. Today our youths are exposed to so much more than they were years ago. And suicide rates for children and teens have increased from years ago.
The issue of bullying and cyberbullying has increased to growing proportions. As a form of violence against children of all ages, these issues have caused a crisis. Some victims are so tormented that suicide has become an alternative for them. It is a concern that should be taken seriously. And awareness is crucial not only to help children and teens but for parents, teachers and others who may not understand how extreme bullying can get and are unaware of how to handle the situation.
Adults must empower the victims and seek help to change the behavior of the bullies. Schools must react swiftly and redirect negative behaviors into positive and productive solutions.
Bystanders who witness assaults, harassment, and threats must not remain silent. They must stand up for others. Our youth need to know they are valued and protected.
To schedule or inquire about a presentation for your group or organization, contact our office at 661-829-6848 or email us at director@stopabuseforeveryone.org.
Sponsor Levels
works to ensure that services will be available for all domestic violence victims; regardless of gender, sexual orientation, age, or ethnicity. Your donation will help to ensure that all domestic violence victims will have a place to go for help. SAFE is a 501(c)(3), tax-exempt, non-profit organization. All donations are tax-deductible.