Cyberbullying: Twenty Crucial Statistics for 2024

By, 06/06/2024

“…Bullying takes on many forms, but today, a new kind of bullying has emerged – cyberbullying. It’s slightly different from what we were used to in our youth, but the consequences are just as grim, if not more. Cyberbullying happens online and digitally…”

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10-year-old boy dies by suicide, parents blame the school

By 21 Alive News, 05/13/2024

“…His parents say Sammy died by suicide on May 5. According to the family, he was being bullied up until the night he died. They way it started last year in elementary school and continues this year at Greenfield Intermediate School. What started as words, his family says it eventually turned physical…”

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Bullying: A Serious Threat To Children’s Health

By Rise and Shine, 05/13/2024

“…What is bullying? Bullying involves repeated physical or verbal aggression, threats, or social exclusion inflicted by one or more individuals. It can happen anywhere, including schools, online and even at home…”

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‘I was tormented by my sister for decades. I truly thought she might kill me.’

By Mamamia, 03/28/2024

“…Sibling abuse is exactly what it sounds like, any type of abuse perpetrated by one sibling against another sibling (including step/half-sibling). It includes sexual, physical and emotional abuse and it can occur throughout all developmental stages and ages…”

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The Long-Term Impact of Sibling Aggression on Adults

By Psychology Today, 11/03/2023

“…Siblings play an important and enduring role in many people’s lives, even into adulthood. Brothers and sisters can be valuable sources of support and companionship, but what about those whose sibling relationships are more fraught?…”

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