Male Abuse In Marriage? Why an Abusive Wife is No Laughing Matter

By Focus on the Family, 04/09/2024

“… Can men experience abuse in marriage? The short answer is yes, absolutely. The long answer is also yes, but men often find themselves in a slightly different situation than women when it comes to abuse. Because people generally take male abuse lightly, there are fewer resources available to them if they need help…”

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‘I was tormented by my sister for decades. I truly thought she might kill me.’

By Mamamia, 03/28/2024

“…Sibling abuse is exactly what it sounds like, any type of abuse perpetrated by one sibling against another sibling (including step/half-sibling). It includes sexual, physical and emotional abuse and it can occur throughout all developmental stages and ages…”

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Addressing intimate partner violence with LGBTQ+ clients

By Counseling Today

“…This belief that IPV happens only or mainly to straight, cisgender women prevents many LGBTQ+ people from recognizing that they may be in an abusive relationship and that they have the right to seek protection from their abuser. “LGBTQ+ intimate partner violence has been relatively invisible to not only members of the LGBTQ+ community but our society in general,” Holt says…”

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Male victim of domestic abuse hopes story can help others

By Dunferm Linepress, 03/20/2024

“…A MALE victim of domestic abuse hopes that by sharing his story he can help others in the same situation. He spoke to the Press after being subjected to an abusive course of behaviour over a four-month period last year…”

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16,000 domestic abuse reports from West Yorkshire males in a year

By Keighley News, 04/03/2024

“…The true figures could be even higher as the gender of the victim is not always recorded, said Accident Claims Advice.West Yorkshire Police said it understands there may be “additional barriers” when it comes to male victims reporting abuse…”

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Mum who helped run women’s refuge jailed for domestic abuse against wife

By Sarah Hooper – Metro, 02/05/2024

“…A mum-of-two who helped run a refuge for domestic abuse victims has been jailed after driving her own wife to the brink of suicide. Rita Araujo, 31, who worked for a domestic violence charity, was arrested after police had to talk her wife Rose Garnock-Jones down from a bridge…”

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End the Gender Bias | Time for Domestic Violence Experts to Change

By WIBM, 02/08/2024

“Ending domestic violence should no longer be framed as a matter of teaching boys and men not to harm women and girls, but rather teaching individuals not to harm individuals. We need to go gender-neutral on this issue, and finally put to rest the idea that domestic violence abusers are invariably male and victims are invariably female…”

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Associate Professor Denise Hines educates FBI personnel on the realities of male victims of domestic violence

By GMU Public Health, 01/31/2024

“…Associate Professor in the Department of Social Work Denise Hines was the keynote speaker for an FBI event for Domestic Violence Awareness Month (October) dedicated to bringing awareness to male victims of intimate partner violence (IPV), a historically under-recognized population of IPV victims…”

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Domestic Violence: Some U.S. States’ Residents at Higher Risk

By Psychology Today, 12/05/2023

“…Domestic violence happens at any age and in both heterosexual and same-sex relationships. It’s driven by the behavior of one intimate partner to achieve control over their significant other…”

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Men also domestic violence victims: Family of man killed by model

By News Nation, 01/15/2024

“…The family of Christian Obumseli, who was the boyfriend of an online model accused of fatally stabbing him, wants to raise domestic violence awareness for men who are victims…”

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