Domestic Violence: Some U.S. States’ Residents at Higher Risk

By Psychology Today, 12/05/2023

“…Domestic violence happens at any age and in both heterosexual and same-sex relationships. It’s driven by the behavior of one intimate partner to achieve control over their significant other…”

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How does Intimate Partner Violence affect the LGBTQ+ community?

By Those Nerdy Girls, 10/30/2023

“…While IPV in the LGBTQ+ community is more likely and more complex, it is often ignored and underreported. A major reason is that the tools that assess IPV are based on cisgender, heterosexual people. Identifying IPV among lesbian partners is often missed because of the assumption that women are not violent…”

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For a male sexual assault survivor, justice won in court does not equal healing

By Independent, 12/01/2023

“…As many as 95% of male sexual violations go unreported, according to research cited in a review of scientific literature about male victims of sexual assault, published in April in the journal Behavioral Sciences. Four of five men who reported assaults regretted doing so, saying that police were often unsympathetic and disinterested and that the process just added more trauma…”

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