He was abused by a female teacher, but he was treated like the perpetrator

By The Washington Post 01/09/2015

“…”There are people who believe that I cannot possibly be a victim of abuse,” says Cameron Clarkson, now 22. (Marvin Joseph/The Washington Post)…”

Read the entire article: http://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/he-was-abused-by-a-female-teacher-but-he-was-treated-like-the-criminal/2015/01/09/3f2e7980-96d5-11e4-aabd-d0b93ff613d5_story.html

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Legislators introduce bill would give students right to an attorney during disciplinary proceedings

By Grand Forks Herald 01/08/2015

“…North Dakota legislators introduced a bill Thursday that would grant university students and student organizations the right to be represented by an attorney during university disciplinary proceedings. …”

Read the entire article: http://www.grandforksherald.com/news/crime-and-courts/3651448-legislators-introduce-bill-would-give-students-right-attorney-during


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Victims Frantically Search For Offense

By The Daily Bell 01/08/2015

“…Microaggression. The word may soon be knocking on your door to demand supplication or another form of payment. Microaggression is the new politically correct campaign being launched by “disadvantaged” elites who are running out of even vaguely real transgressions to complain about. …”

Read the entire article: http://www.thedailybell.com/editorials/35979/Wendy-McElroy-Victims-Frantically-Search-For-Offense/?uuid=6F812338-5056-9627-3C59347FF3CE9388

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Student: Men who have been raped still have more privilege than women

By Campus Reform 11/26/2014

“…Kaelyn Polick-Kirkpatrick, an opinion columnist for ASU’s student newspaper, wrote that while “victims of sexual violence should never be silenced,” men do not belong in feminist conversations on that topic as they still inherently have more privilege. …”

Read the entire article: http://www.campusreform.org/?ID=6098

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Immigration and Common Core stand in Jeb Bush’s way

By The Washington Post 12/26/2014

“…Based on those 31 words, the Education Department’s Office for Civil Rights has stripped colleges and universities of a crucial component of self-government. Using ludicrous statistics based on flimsy social science to manufacture hysteria about a “rape epidemic” on campuses, the federal government is mandating the overthrow of due process in adjudicating accusations of sexual assault. Title IX’s 31 words beget hundreds of pages of minute stipulations and mandates. …”

Read the entire article:  http://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/george-will-immigration-and-common-core-stand-in-jeb-bushs-way/2014/12/26/622035a8-8ba6-11e4-8ff4-fb93129c9c8b_story.html

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Preponderance of Evidence in a Criminal Matter

By Robert Cubby – Men’s E-News

“These cases demand more than “he said she said’ called for in a preponderance of evidence standard. Such evidence has, many times, exonerated a suspect as having no match and that he couldn’t possibly have been the suspect in the assault. Such are the needs called for at the criminal investigation level.”

Read the entire article: http://www.mensenews.org/criminal-law-articles/item/84-preponderance-of-the-evidence-in-a-criminal-matter.html

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