Carolyn Hax: Witness To A Male Friend In An Abusive Relationship

By Carolyn Hax – The Washington Post 4/11/2013

“The last few times I’ve been out with my buddy and his wife, she’s made some really derogatory remarks to him, if not outright screamed at him. He seems really cowed by her, like he’s just trying to placate her so she’ll stop yelling and calling him names. He hardly talks now.”

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Prom problems: Indiana plagued by high rate of dating violence

By Indy Star 3/29/2013

“…In 2009 nearly 11 percent of female high school students reported being hit, slapped or physically hurt by their date, again higher than the U.S. average. In addition, 12 percent of high school males reported being victimized by the person they were dating. …”

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Post office shooting: Warning signs of domestic abuse were there

By Action News Jax 3/12/2013

“Family and friends of post office shooting victim, Harold Davis say the warning signs of domestic violence from ex-girlfriend Arianne Myles were evident at home.”

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Male Victims of Violence Also Need Support

By Bert Hoff – The Seattle Times 2/6/2013

“…”…The most recent Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report on intimate-partner violence found that each year more men (5.36 million) than women (4.74 million) are victims of intimate-partner physical violence (Tables 4.1, 4.2 of full report) and psychological violence (20.5 vs. 16.5 million). Yet here in King County, there are no services for male victims. …” …”

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