BACK TO SCHOOL: The importance of bullyproofing kids

By WAAY31, 8/5/24

“…Hochberger says bullies target people they see as different or weaker, and says these days one group is especially at risk. “Kids that are from the LGBTQ-plus population – they really experience a lot of bullying and a lot of different kinds of trauma.” She says bullying is often learned behavior, especially when children pick up on their parents’ beliefs and convictions, and act them out against other kids. ..,”

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Domestic violence against men: What we know about when it occurs

By Taunton Daily Gazette, 7/25/24

“…Nearly one in 10 men in the United States has experienced rape, physical violence and/or stalking by a partner, according to the National Domestic Violence Hotline. Taunton Mayor Shaunna O’Connell was arrested Friday after she allegedly bit her husband and attacked him with a crowbar in a domestic dispute. …”

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Cyberbullying: Twenty Crucial Statistics for 2024

By, 06/06/2024

“…Bullying takes on many forms, but today, a new kind of bullying has emerged – cyberbullying. It’s slightly different from what we were used to in our youth, but the consequences are just as grim, if not more. Cyberbullying happens online and digitally…”

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Abuse of older people

By World Health Organization, 06/15/2024

“…Around 1 in 6 people 60 years and older experienced some form of abuse in community settings during the past year. Rates of abuse of older people are high in institutions such as nursing homes and long-term care facilities, with 2 in 3 staff reporting that they have committed abuse in the past year.

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Creating Powerful Collaborations for Safe LGBTQ+ Relationships

By Phila, 06/21/2024

“…unfortunately, people who identify as LGBTQ+ are at greater risk of sexual and intimate partner violence (IPV) throughout their lives. This is not because LGBTQ+ relationships are more violent or abusive than others. Rather, LGBTQ+ people, like people from other marginalized identities, experience violence and abuse at higher rates related to heightened vulnerability…”

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Male domestic abuse survivor who almost ‘gave up’ wants others to know help is out there

By Big Issue, 06/27/2024

“…It took years and enormous courage for Max to leave his abuser – and when he did get out, he found there were limited services to help his family and he feared homelessness and financial crisis…”

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When Allegations of Domestic Violence Are Used as a Weapon

By Psychology Today, 06/17/2024

“…As a therapist who works with survivors of domestic abuse, I have a lot of experience working with men who have been victimized by their caregivers or partners, yet are shamed and embarrassed about speaking out due to society’s bias that men cannot be victims of violence or abuse…”

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10-year-old boy dies by suicide, parents blame the school

By 21 Alive News, 05/13/2024

“…His parents say Sammy died by suicide on May 5. According to the family, he was being bullied up until the night he died. They way it started last year in elementary school and continues this year at Greenfield Intermediate School. What started as words, his family says it eventually turned physical…”

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Yes, elder abuse can land you in prison and cost thousands in fines

By The Press-Enterprise, 06/02/2024 

“…As the youngest of the baby boomers turn 60 this year, issues affecting the elderly are sure to become more prominent. One of the most pressing concerns for seniors is elder abuse. As many as 5 million older Americans experience abuse every year, according to the National Council on Aging…”

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LGBTQIA+ Domestic Violence Awareness Day is a great time to reflect on inclusion

By The Sector, 05/26/2024

“…May 28, for example, is LGBTQIA+ Domestic Violence Awareness Day, which was inaugurated in Brisbane in 2020 by the LGBTQ Domestic Violence Awareness Foundation. Recent findings suggest that Domestic Violence, in an LGBTQIA+ context, is more nuanced than in other sections of society…”

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