Support group offered for male victims of abuse

By WEAU on 11/13/2018

“… “It’s an unspoken shame that men have that they refuse to talk about,” Brandon Wegner, a victim advocate with Bolton Refuge House in Eau Claire, said to WEAU 13 News on Tuesday.

Wegner is hoping to give victimized men an outlet for their pain. He is part of the team at Bolton Refuge House behind “Men Finding Peace,” an anonymous men’s support group for survivors of sexual, domestic, and emotional trauma. …”

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It is time to hear from silent victims: Men face domestic violence

By Pentagram on 10/25/2018

“…  Megan Reed, a victim advocate on Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall, works with all victims who are going through abusive situations at home. She advocates for her clients and helps keep them safe. But women are not her only clients because there is a narrative that a lot of people do not see. She also works with men. …”

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Local agencies work together to route out elder abuse in Osceola County

By Osceola News-Gazette 11/12/2018

“… Elder abuse is a crime that’s among the most under-reported in the country and takes many different forms including physical, sexual, emotional and/or psychological abuse, neglect, abandonment and financial exploitation. …”

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Iowa takes center stage in the fight against elder abuse

By Des Moines Register on 11/12/2018

“… One in 10 older adults in the United States is abused or exploited every year. The abuse can be physical, psychological, or financial. In any form, it is unconscionable. …”

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#HeToo: How the Campus Accused Fight Back in Court and Often Win

By Real Clear Investigations on 10/30/2018

“… John Doe and Jane Roe met at a fraternity party. The two, both referred to with common legal pseudonyms, danced and drank. Then they went upstairs to John’s room, where they had sex. Two days later, Jane filed a sexual misconduct charge against John, contending that she had been too drunk to consent. John disagreed.  ….”

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Versailles woman raises awareness about elder abuse

By WKYT on 10/14/2018

“… Ed died eight months later at the age of 77. According to an autopsy report, Ed died from toxic levels of Amiodarone, a heart medication that he was allergic to. Sanders and other family members are thinking Mary Ann, a 66-year-old woman who claimed to be a nurse, is to blame. …”

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The biggest reasons elder financial abuse goes unreported

By Laker Pioneer on 11/07/2018

“… Elder financial abuse on any scale can easily leave older adults and their families financially and emotionally devastated. We define elder financial abuse as a misappropriation of financial resources or abusive use of financial control in the context of a relationship where there is an expectation of trust, causing harm to an older person. …”

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Domestic abuse isn’t only by men

By Mail And Guardian on 11/02/2018

“… My friend’s pastor, Reverend Andrew, was the first to speak: “For many years, I was a victim of domestic violence … at the hands of my former wife.”
The group reacted in shock and disbelief, but this did not surprise him. He smiled and assured everyone that he was no longer ashamed and that, indeed, domestic violence can go both ways. Not all violent spouses are men. …”

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The guardian is guilty: April Parks, others plead guilty in guardianship abuse case

By KTNV on 11/05/2018

“… That led to the arrest of private professional guardian April Parks and three others working for her. With Monday’s plea deal, it’s official — the guardian is guilty of exploiting the vulnerable people they were appointed by the court to protect. …”

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