Brave man tormented over weight and hair by controlling girlfriend slams ‘male-female stigma’ after she avoids jail

By The Sun, 05/31/2024

“…A MAN tormented over his appearance in a horrific campaign of abuse by his controlling girlfriend has slammed her soft sentence. Gareth Jones said he was “disappointed” after Sarah Rigby, 41, avoided jailand believes if she were a man, the outcome would be different…”

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Domestic Violence against men: Using whistle-blowing to address the stigma

By MSN, 06/07/2024

“…Meanwhile, as of 2022, only 12%opens in a new tab or window of the 3.1 million nurses in the U.S. were men — that’s around 372,000 nurses. In other words, achieving gender parity in nursing could address the shortage multiple times over…”

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Bullying: A Serious Threat To Children’s Health

By Rise and Shine, 05/13/2024

“…What is bullying? Bullying involves repeated physical or verbal aggression, threats, or social exclusion inflicted by one or more individuals. It can happen anywhere, including schools, online and even at home…”

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Elder Abuse Awareness Month in Texas: Protecting Our Seniors

By The Canadian Record, 05/13/2024

“…Elder Abuse Awareness Month in June is a time dedicated to raising awareness and empowering communities to take action to protect seniors. Every year, thousands of older adults in Texas fall victim to abuse, neglect and financial exploitation…”

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Male sexual abuse charity sees staggering 80% increase in calls following Baby Reindeer release

By Independent, 05/09/2024

“…A male sexual abuse charity has seen a staggering 80 per cent increase in first-time callers since the release of Baby Reindeer. Manchester-based charity We Are Survivors offers support for men, including trans and non-binary individuals, who are survivors of sexual abuse, rape and sexual exploitation...”

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Mary was abused by her sister, her new book explores her journey to freedom

By The Senior, 05/01/2024

“…In the author’s note Mary writes, “I was surprised to learn that sibling abuse is by far the most common form of abuse in the context of family violence and occurs four to five times as frequently as spousal or parental child abuse … there is a societal expectation that we should get along with our brothers and sisters. Be friends for life”…”

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Male Abuse In Marriage? Why an Abusive Wife is No Laughing Matter

By Focus on the Family, 04/09/2024

“… Can men experience abuse in marriage? The short answer is yes, absolutely. The long answer is also yes, but men often find themselves in a slightly different situation than women when it comes to abuse. Because people generally take male abuse lightly, there are fewer resources available to them if they need help…”

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‘I was tormented by my sister for decades. I truly thought she might kill me.’

By Mamamia, 03/28/2024

“…Sibling abuse is exactly what it sounds like, any type of abuse perpetrated by one sibling against another sibling (including step/half-sibling). It includes sexual, physical and emotional abuse and it can occur throughout all developmental stages and ages…”

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Youngkin signs bill to crack down on elder abuse and exploitation

By Daily Progress, 04/07/2024

“…The elder and vulnerable adult abuse and neglect bill empowers multijurisdictional grand juries to investigate financial exploitation of a vulnerable adult as well as abuse and neglect of a vulnerable adult…”

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Addressing intimate partner violence with LGBTQ+ clients

By Counseling Today

“…This belief that IPV happens only or mainly to straight, cisgender women prevents many LGBTQ+ people from recognizing that they may be in an abusive relationship and that they have the right to seek protection from their abuser. “LGBTQ+ intimate partner violence has been relatively invisible to not only members of the LGBTQ+ community but our society in general,” Holt says…”

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