Why we know so little about sibling-to-sibling domestic violence

By ABC.net, 10/29/24

“…Hayley Boxall, a domestic violence researcher from the Australian National University, told hack that sibling-to-sibling domestic violence is more common than many assume. …”

Read the entire article: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-10-30/sibling-domestic-violence-affects-more-than-one-in-four-research/104536296

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Bullying: A Serious Threat To Children’s Health

By Rise and Shine, 05/13/2024

“…What is bullying? Bullying involves repeated physical or verbal aggression, threats, or social exclusion inflicted by one or more individuals. It can happen anywhere, including schools, online and even at home…”

Read the entire article: https://riseandshine.childrensnational.org/bullying-a-serious-threat-to-childrens-health/

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Mary was abused by her sister, her new book explores her journey to freedom

By The Senior, 05/01/2024

“…In the author’s note Mary writes, “I was surprised to learn that sibling abuse is by far the most common form of abuse in the context of family violence and occurs four to five times as frequently as spousal or parental child abuse … there is a societal expectation that we should get along with our brothers and sisters. Be friends for life”…”

Read the entire article: https://www.thesenior.com.au/story/8567626/my-fathers-suitcase-by-mary-garden-looks-at-sibling-abuse/

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‘I was tormented by my sister for decades. I truly thought she might kill me.’

By Mamamia, 03/28/2024

“…Sibling abuse is exactly what it sounds like, any type of abuse perpetrated by one sibling against another sibling (including step/half-sibling). It includes sexual, physical and emotional abuse and it can occur throughout all developmental stages and ages…”

Read the entire article: https://www.mamamia.com.au/what-is-sibling-abuse/

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How To Resolve Your Kids’ Sibling Fights

By Yahoo, 01/23/2024

“…One of the most challenging things to deal with as a parent is resolving sibling fights. We have all been there. Both are your kids, and you don’t want to give preferential treatment to either, so you have to navigate this territory very carefully…”

Read the entire article: https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/resolve-kids-sibling-fights-151924455.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAC-dUHhVNGpG3pBCv2EiY7kpdnGYERQq5yrDvTFdQLT97GtO8YljB9TyReqeZ8j1Rz0npJDzVgbm1QdtIgAaK9HQZMrylb6JrHAb66pWl1WPWyMavZFZFG6pwAOV5H8p07ltyM3ZbuHiKz5lku6rZhw8Q4cljQbTA0zvpp9jckLO

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The Long-Term Impact of Sibling Aggression on Adults

By Psychology Today, 11/03/2023

“…Siblings play an important and enduring role in many people’s lives, even into adulthood. Brothers and sisters can be valuable sources of support and companionship, but what about those whose sibling relationships are more fraught?…”

Read the entire article: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-science-of-siblings/202311/the-long-term-impact-of-sibling-aggression-on-adults

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The Fine Line Between Sibling Rivalry and Abuse

By Psychology Today, 12/07/2023

“…Sibling maltreatment is the most common form of domestic abuse in Western society—more common than either domestic partner or child abuse, according to Professor Mark Kiselica of Cabrini University in Radnor, Pennsylvania. Kiselica reports that sibling victimization, which he calls “the forgotten abuse,” is three times more common than school bullying, and it often leads to estrangement in adulthood…”

Read the entire article: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/brothers-sisters-strangers/202312/is-it-sibling-rivalry-or-sibling-abuse

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When Does Sibling Fighting Become Harmful?

By Psychology Today, 09/11/2023

“…Currently, society’s notions of typical sibling behaviors include a vague and wide range of behaviors, leaving parents and practitioners often confused about whether behaviors between brothers and sisters have gone too far. As a result, harmful sibling behaviors, even abuse, often go unrecognized and are commonly dismissed as sibling rivalry…”

Read the entire article: https://www.psychologytoday.com/intl/blog/the-science-of-siblings/202309/when-does-sibling-fighting-become-harmful

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