Help, My College Son/Daughter Was Falsely Accused of a Title IX Violation

By Jonathan Taylor, Title IX for All, 10/22/24

“…If your son or daughter is a college student and has been accused of a Title IX violation such as sexual harassment, sexual assault, stalking, dating violence, or something similar, you are likely wondering what to do next or how you can help. While most parents of accused students (“respondents”) are not Title IX professionals, …”

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What you need to know about cyberbullying and your child

By ABC, 08/21/24

“…Lee’s son was receiving hundreds of aggressive messages each day, including suggestions that he kill himself and threats to himself and his family. He was then doxxed (had his phone number shared online) and stalked and even after changing his number, the bullies still found him. …”

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Addressing intimate partner violence with LGBTQ+ clients

By Counseling Today

“…This belief that IPV happens only or mainly to straight, cisgender women prevents many LGBTQ+ people from recognizing that they may be in an abusive relationship and that they have the right to seek protection from their abuser. “LGBTQ+ intimate partner violence has been relatively invisible to not only members of the LGBTQ+ community but our society in general,” Holt says…”

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