How To Help

Below are some suggestions on how you can help.
Please select a topic below for more information.
Have a meeting or informal get-together in your community to introduce others to SAFE and the services we provide. Having a get-together is a great way to bring people together in your community help to stop abuse for everyone.
Start a local affliate group, set up a hotline, support group, or shelter in your local area, or advocate for services in your area. Affiliate groups can really make a big difference in the lives of abused victims.
For more information on starting a local affiliate group, please email us
Help set up a training/speaking engagement. Our Speaker’s Bureau is organized to present accurate, balanced, and objective information on domestic violence (and the need for services for underserved victims), bullying, dating violence, sibling abuse, and elder abuse. SAFE has national leading experts available for keynote presentations, lectures, panel discussions, media spots, and conferences. SAFE speakers are also available for staff in-services and school events
We’re adding more experts all the time. This is one of the primary missions of SAFE to provide accurate balanced information to service providers and the general public and conduct training on how service providers (social service, crisis lines, shelters, law enforcement, health care, etc.) can effectively and (at a low cost) be gender inclusive. By conducting professional presentations to such groups, we greatly expand services for underserved victims of domestic violence.
To set up speaking engagements, contact your local service provider-police department, hospital/health care system, district attorney, bar association, nursing association, physician group, university, etc. Reach out to the person in charge of professional education or training. Ask them to contact SAFE via the Speaker Bureau webpage, and encourage them to conduct training programs or public forums in your community.
Some shelters and services are only offered to select groups. Help SAFE find local shelters and services that will serve ALL victims of domestic violence. Once you have identified a shelter or service provider, email SAFE at and suggest that these services be added to our National Directory of Services.
Please confirm that the service provider truly does provide help and services to all victims. Don’t forget to provide us with as much contact information as possible: phone number, webpage, email, and address. The name of the person you contacted is always helpful. Service providers are encouraged to submit their information directly.
SAFE has several educational brochures. These brochures contain pertinent information on domestic violence and violence prevention that you might not find elsewhere. You can download these brochures right on our website. We encourage you to distribute these brochures to the general public, health organizations, criminal justice agencies, service providers, police departments, emergency rooms, courthouses, and school counseling centers in your community.
Network with the general public, health organizations, criminal justice agencies, service providers, police departments, emergency rooms, courthouses, and school counseling centers in your community to bring awareness of our organization’s mission to help underserved victims.
We suggest making them aware of these valuable links that may be beneficial to their organization:
Stop Abuse For Everyone Resources
Stop Abuse For Everyone National Directory of Services
Stop Abuse For Everyone Brochures
Stop Abuse For Everyone Speakers Bureau
Stop Abuse for Everyone offers many internship opportunities for energetic, talented and highly motivated university students and recent graduate students. For more information on our program, please email us at
There are many volunteer opportunities at Stop Abuse For Everyone. Volunteers are always welcome!
SAFE has a free weekly newsletter. To subscribe, please visit our Join Our Newsletter webpage.
Consider donating to SAFE to help us in our mission to stop abuse for everyone.