Leah Hollis EdD – Advisory Board

Leah P. Hollis

Leah P. Hollis EdD ,a professor at Morgan State and president of Patricia Berkly LLC consulting group, is a noted national expert on workplace bullying. Her most recent book, The coercive community college; Bullying and its costly impact on the mission to serve underrepresented populations (2016) is an extension of her work on bullying in higher education. Other notable work includes Bully in the Ivory Tower: How Aggression and Incivility Erode American Higher Education is based on independent research on 175 colleges and universities. Hollis’s research has been used to help develop policies to prevent abusive workplace bullying.

She has collaborated with Mike Schlict, State Coordinator (upstate) New York Healthy Workplace Advocates to support policy initiatives to prevent workplace bullying. Further other institutions, such as the Alamo Colleges System has invited her to campus and used her work to create an anti-bullying policy. Hollis, a Boston University Martin Luther King Jr. Social Justice Fellow, has presented her research at the University of Milan, Oxford University, Bordeaux University, and the New York University- Prague can be found at equity1@patriciaberkly.com or diversity training consultants page . Her electronic academic portfolio.