National Affinity Network

Local affinity groups are what really make the biggest difference to the victims who need them!
Stop Abuse for Everyone (SAFE) launched its National Affinity Network in July 2013. The purpose of the network is twofold: to facilitate the creation of local groups in communities with an interest in providing information, a hotline, support groups, education on the issues, advocate for more services in your area…and to support and assist all victims of family abuse. SAFE will assist in providing information and resources needed to form groups to join our network. Acting independently, many such local groups throughout the country have already established themselves as respected advocates for domestic violence issues within their communities.
While the Network has been an important element of SAFE’s program plan since its inception, the stimulus for fast-tracking its implementation has been the apparent need for it; since its launch, SAFE has been contacted by a number of individuals throughout the country who have either participated in the development of such groups or wish to initiate one.