Our History
Originally formed in 1996 as a Grassroots Support Organization, Stop Abuse For Everyone acquired its 501(c)(3) federal non-profit status in early 2001. Since then, SAFE has served tens of thousands of individuals since its inception, had extensive press coverage, and is continuing to grow. Our organization’s founder, Jade Rubick, started this organization as a result of being turned away from domestic abuse shelters. Although he was being abused by his now ex-wife, he was denied admittance into domestic abuse shelters for being a male. During an interview with the Salt Lake Tribune, Rubick states, “‘We’re here to help women,’ he said he was told. ‘We don’t know what to say to a man.'” Following, Rubick saw the lack of resources available for minorities who are victims of domestic violence. In response, he created SAFE to aid victims that fall between the cracks of guidance and assistance. Since the organization established, we have expanded our knowledge of the minorities of abuse beyond males.
We now educate individuals on elderly abuse, bullying, sibling abuse, gay and lesbian abuse, cyberbullying, and much more. This is an organization that attempts to stop abuse for everyone rather than focusing on a select few.
Rubick has since retired from his position at SAFE and new leadership has worked to expand the organization and uphold the outstanding reputation of SAFE. Additional information and links on the history of SAFE are available below.

Jade Rubick
Founder & Past President of SAFE
The Sun Lake Tribune Article
SAFE was founded by Jade Rubick in 1996 and became a non-profit organization in 2001.

Patricia Overberg believed that family violence needed to be viewed holistically, and her commitment to the principle of equal treatment for all informed everything she did. Most abused women’s shelters deny admittance to sons 12 years or older and force mothers to place their sons in foster care, Overberg refused to require mothers to choose between their own safety and the well-being of their children.
She did not turn away male victims, whether they were on their own or with their children. Overberg was the director of the Valley Oasis Shelter in Lancaster, CA from 1989 until 1998. During that time, Valley Oasis was the only shelter in the U.S. that male victims could turn to. Even today, Valley Oasis remains one of the very few shelters in the U.S. that offers the same level of services to male victims as to female victims.
Overberg treated gay men and lesbian women with the same respect and level of service provided to all the people she helped. She pioneered in bringing a transgendered volunteer on board at the Valley Oasis.
Overberg’s legacy lives on for all victims of domestic violence and continues to provide equal access to services for people everywhere.