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Domestic violence happens every day, not just during Super Bowl

By 02/06/2016

“… today, February 5th, Governor Markell signed the proclamation declaring February as Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Month (TDVAPM). …”

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Okanagan Indian Band gains funds targeted at domestic violence

By 02/04/2016

“… Approximately $65,000 is being delivered for OKIB’s unique ‘A Canoe Journey’ program, a three-day canoe journey ending at a traditional gathering place to build respectful relationships and work on skills to prevent conflict, abuse and violence. …”

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#ThatsNotLove: Helping Teens Spot Signs of Relationship Abuse

By CNN 02/24/2016 

“(CNN )Looking back, Mattis Collier, now 20 and a junior at the University of South Carolina, can see all the warning signs.

‘It was a very quick relationship. I didn’t know him very well … but the jealousy, the rage, all of that stuff came pretty soon after,; said Collier about her ex-boyfriend, whom she started dating early in high school….”

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News from the Nation: Domestic violence

By The Times 02/03/2016

“…Facts like these lead the Cherokee Nation to found the One Fire victims advocacy group. One Fire offers victims of domestic violence a safe place to get help. The services provided by One Fire include advocacy, transitional housing and civil legal assistance. …”


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Group gets $350,000 grant to address elder abuse in Merced’s Among community

By Merced Sun-Star 02/02/2016

“… Healthy House of Merced has secured a $350,000 federal grant that will allow staff members to lead training on how to better address domestic violence within the county’s Southeast Asian communities. …”

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Stalking: Strong connections to sexual and domestic violence

By The Taos News 02/03/2016

“… According to the Center for Disease Control, one in six women and one in 19 men have been stalked in their lifetime. Over 90 percent of victims know their stalkers — most are current or former intimate partners. One study estimates one in seven victims are forced to move because of stalking. Most victims are young — between 18 and 24. …”

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