By Barbados Today 02/03/2016
“… Speaking today during debate on the Domestic Violence Amendment Bill 2016, Jones said the country must also accept that domestic did not only relate to heterosexual relationships. …”
By Barbados Today 02/03/2016
“… Speaking today during debate on the Domestic Violence Amendment Bill 2016, Jones said the country must also accept that domestic did not only relate to heterosexual relationships. …”
By The Sydney Morning Herald 02/03/2016
“… More than a third of the 520,000 Australians who sought help from homelessness services between 2011 and 2014, did so because of domestic violence, according to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. …”
By KBS World Radio 02/02/2016
“… Police in Gyeonggi Province will set up an early response system for cases of violence involving couples, which are rising every year. …”
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By WYFF 4 02/01/2016
“… Greenville High School junior Marti Gathings and sophomore Shannon Johnson designed an app for their entrepreneurship class that aims to help victims of domestic assault. …”
By The Dunn County News 02/01/2016
“…According to, “One in three adolescents in the U.S. is a victim of physical, sexual, emotional, or verbal abuse from a dating partner.” This adds up to nearly 1.5 million teenagers who experience dating abuse per year. …”
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By The Washington Times 02/01/2016
“… The bill is designed to give the state a framework to protect animals caught between their owners during messy breakups and in domestic violence situations. …”
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Derry Now 02/01/2016
“… SDLP Foyle MP Mark Durkan is supporting this week’s launch of a new campaign by the charity Broken Rainbow UK which aims to increase awareness of the existence of LGBT domestic violence and abuse. …”
By Rabble.CA 02/01/2016
“… In Canada, domestic violence accounts for one in four crimes reported to the police. Males are the dominant aggressor in 83 per cent of the cases. Spousal violence is most prevalent amongst 25 to 34 year olds. Fewer than 25 per cent of victims of domestic violence report to police. Every six days a woman is killed by a current or former partner accounting for 16 per cent of all homicides in Canada. …”
By Daily Lobo 02/01/2016
“… “We hope to learn why intimate partner violence (IPV) is more likely to occur when people are drinking alcohol,” Fink said. “IPV is a serious public health problem, and we are hoping to identify new ways to intervene with this problem.” …”
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By Blue Ridge Now 01/31/2016
“… Local attorneys and social workers are alarmed by a growing number of complaints of elder abuse, neglect and fraud, and frustrated that very few cases are ever prosecuted. But while state law requires that elder abuse be reported, the high level of proof needed for criminal charges is often elusive. …”
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