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Framingham PD to increase staffing in narcotics, domestic violence units

By The Metro West Daily News 01/27/2016

“… FRAMINGHAM — An $81,133 state grant will help the Framingham Police Department restore personnel to its Narcotics Unit and increase staffing for domestic violence investigations. …”

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Free training will help mandated reporters know child abuse when they see it

By Penn Live 01/27/2016

“… Thousands of individuals who are mandated by state law to report suspected child abuse and neglect will now have the opportunity to receive free training to know how to recognize it and properly report it. …”

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UNM researcher explores link between alcohol and domestic violence

By Health Sciences Center News 01/27/2016

“… Intimate relationships are complex, fueled by biology, chemistry, emotions, environment and upbringing. Mixing in alcohol with often-contentious issues such as finances, child rearing or in-laws can be a recipe for violence, according to a University of New Mexico researcher studying the link between alcohol and domestic violence. …”

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Student Spotlight: Junior advocate creates short film for domestic violence awareness

By The Penn 01/26/2016

“… Wanting to shine a light on this almost taboo topic, Jillian Fields (junior, criminology), along with Vincent “Vinny” Lowerre (sophomore, communications media) and several other IUP students, have created a short film, “Domestic Violence is Not Black and White,” in hopes of raising awareness for the signs of domestic violence. …”

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Brokers concerned that senior abuse concerns could lead to costly regulation

By Investment News 01/26/2016

“… Securities regulators of all stripes in 2016 will remain intently focused on the elderly and any potential financial exploitation of older investors. While broker-dealer executives agree about protecting seniors from abusive sales practices, they worry that some regulatory actions could add more cost to their businesses. …”

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Barbados police being given increased powers to protect domestic violence victims

By Caribbean360 01/27/2016

“… Police in Barbados will be given powers, under amended domestic violence legislation, to enter premises without warrants and issue emergency protection orders to safeguard victims of domestic abuse. They will also be required to respond every single domestic violence complaint they receive. …”

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