Author Archive

Op-Ed: Let’s end child abuse and neglect

By The Sheridan Press 01/23/2016

“… No one should simply shake their head and sadly lament the horrific story of child neglect that has rocked our community this past week. Instead of passive despair, let this tragic incident serve as a galvanizing call to action for us all to commit to ending child neglect abuse and securing the safety and future of every child in Sheridan County. …”

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Dallas’ Family Place plans to open first Texas shelter for battered men

By The Dallas Morning News 01/19/2016

“… Dallas family violence cases increased by 7 percent last year. But the most stark rise at one local shelter was in the number of battered men needing a temporary place to stay. …”

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New laws help put teeth in domestic violence prevention

By Wallowa County Chieftain

“… That’s important because felony domestic abuse cases often are pleaded down to misdemeanors when victims decide not to testify, limiting the evidence available to prosecutors as they seek felony charges. …”

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#ICanDoSomething Campaign Challenges Tech Savvy Youth To Support Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Month


“… This year, the New York State Office for the Prevention of Domestic Violence (OPDV) is presenting the ‪#‎ICanDoSomething‬ awareness campaign to highlight February, which is Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Month. To help spread the word about the initiative, OPDV is inviting students ages 14 to 18 throughout New York State to create their own original video, limited to one minute or less in length, that portrays one or more values of a healthy relationship. …”

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Domestic abuse: Men ‘need more help’, victims’ organisation says

By BBC News 01/21/2016

“… Paul, whose name has been changed to protect his identity, walked away from his 25-year marriage after suffering physical, emotional and psychological abuse.
“My wife and I had only been together two years when the trouble started,” he told the BBC. …”

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GOP lawmakers seek crackdown on domestic violence offenders

By CBS 6 01/21/2016

“… Bell is sponsoring House Bill 609 and HB 610, which he hopes will deter abusers from committing repeat offenses. The bills would make assault and battery resulting in bodily injury and stalking of a person protected by a protective order a Class 6 felony. …”

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Teen Weapon Use Varies by Race and Gender: Study Black and Hispanic students and boys more likely than whites and girls to be involved, data shows

By Medline Plus 01/15/2016

“… Using data from a national survey conducted during the mid-1990s, when violent crime rates were falling in the United States, researchers found that 13 percent of black students, 10 percent of Hispanic students and 7 percent of white students had been involved with weapons. …”

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