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Proposal Dismantles Barrier Faced by KY Domestic Violence Victims

By Public News Service 01/2016

“… FRANKFORT, Ky. – A bill filed in the Kentucky House would give victims of domestic and dating violence the ability to legally break their home or apartment lease as they leave a dangerous situation. The sponsor of House Bill 41, Rep. Joni Jenkins (D-Shively), says the legislation will be heard in the House Judiciary Committee next week. …”

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Assault cases among elderly Aussies in age care services up 10% in 2014-2015

By International Business Times 01/18/2016

“… Other complaints include 3,725 cases of standard of care in aged care facilities subsidised by the government and 1,127 incidents of missing people or unexplained absences. These incidents of suspected or alleged abuses comprise 1.1 percent of the 231,555 Aussies who stay in permanent residential aged care facilities. Another 800,000 Australians have access to home care services. …”

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Stigma facing male domestic abuse victims has to stop

By She Knows 01/19/2016

“… More than 700,000 men a year are believed to fall victim to violent attacks from their partners, but according to The Telegraph, many of these acts go unreported, as men fear the consequences of reporting the offence. …”

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How One Change In Policy Could Help Victims Of Domestic Violence

By Huffpost Women 01/18/2016

“… Ultimately, EMS personnel need to be better trained to deal with incidents of domestic violence. The researchers concluded that the key to better services is providing mandated ongoing training and education to first responders. …”

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Immigrant domestic violence victims face many barriers to getting help

By WCVB 01/16/2016

“… One-fifth of the domestic violence homicides in Massachusetts involve immigrant victims, even though immigrants make up only 14 percent of the state’s population, according to a Simmons College study released in October. Women or children make up the majority of victims. …”

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Navy May Allow Sexual Assault Victims to Get Expedited Discharge

By 01/16/2016

“… A fast-track discharge upon request for sexual assault victims and a new app that will assist in reporting of sexual harassment and assault are among a handful of new initiatives the Navy is pursuing to crack down on the crime and support survivors. …”

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Cuomo proposes new felony charge for child abuse

By The Washington Times 01/14/2016

“… Cuomo has proposed making criminal child abuse a felony, saying abusers too often don’t go to prison even after disturbing violent crimes.The governor’s office says national data show 679,000 children were subject to substantiated maltreatment in 2013. …”

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Olympic gold medalist Picabo Street charged with assault, domestic violence

By The Denver Post 01/13/2016

“… SALT LAKE CITY — Olympic gold-medalist skier Picabo Street has been charged with assault and domestic violence after authorities say she pushed her father down the stairs in a Utah home in December. …”

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‘More support needed’ for male domestic abuse victims

By UTV on 01/14/2016

“… Despite latest figures revealing that more than 3,000 of Northern Ireland’s domestic abuse victims are men, no dedicated accommodation exists to support them if they are forced to leave their homes, campaigners say. …”

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