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By  08/20/2015

“…Emily Feeney, a 40-year-old guidance counselor at a private school in Chester County, Pennsylvania, has been fired after allegations arose that she has been pursuing a 16-year-old teen for sex, even going as far as to promising him admission into Harvard.  …”

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Wife Destroys Unfaithful Husband’s Audi R8

By 02/08/2015

“…Photos have emerged on social media channels which appear to show an Audi R8 which has been well and truly destroyed. We are told that the damage wasn’t caused by a freak storm or a brutal car crash. Instead, this Audi R8 fell foul of an angry wife who caught her husband cheating on her with another woman. …”

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A Master’s Degree in … Masculinity?

By 08/08/2015

“… The case for women’s studies has long been clear. But now a professor has made the argument for a graduate-level study of men and masculinity. …”

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Not a single advocate of due process will testify at Senate hearing on campus sexual assault

By 07/27/2015

“… You’d be forgiven for thinking that Democrats still controlled the U.S. Senate, because a Wednesday hearing on campus sexual assault does not feature a single person who challenges the widespread but thinly sourced view that college campuses are hotbeds of “rape culture.” …”

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Campus Rape Expert Can’t Answer Basic Questions About His Sources

By 07/28/2015

“…David Lisak’s serial predator theory of campus rape has made him a celebrity. Once a virtually unknown associate professor at the University of Massachusetts-Boston, his work is now cited by White House officials and reporters for major newspapers. …”

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You Will Not Believe What This 10-Year-Old Wrote To A Judge Regarding His Mother’s Release From Prison

By 11/03/2015

“…Shannon Smith has served almost 6 years of her 10 year sentence for the death of Robert Takach. Smith’s hearing is scheduled for tomorrow. …”

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Aaron Allmon case makes Minot Air Force Base ground zero in military’s new gender wars

By 11/05/2015

“…He is an award-winning combat photographer who stands accused of trying to pick up women in the public affairs office at MinotAir Force Base in North Dakota, and for that prosecutors wanted to put him in prison for 130 years. …”

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