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Asian men targeted by sham marriage visa fraud

By The Sunday Tmes 07/19/2015

” A 24-YEAR-OLD Lithuanian woman has been “engaged” to marry four different Asian men in Ireland in the past nine months, a Sunday Times investigation has found. 

Three of the men, two from Pakistan and one from India, claim the woman accepted €3,000 from each of them in return for agreeing to enter a sham marriage to regularise their visa status in Ireland. The three men allege the woman took the money but then reneged on the deal. 

In the past year there has been a surge in Pakistani nationals coming to Ireland from the UK after a clampdown there on people whose visas have expired. …”

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UC San Diego didn’t give male student fair trial in sex case

By Save Our Sons 07/15/2015

” A California court has ruled that UCSD acted improperly by using a deeply flawed system to adjudicate a sexual assault allegation and sanctioning the accused based on a process that violated his rights. …”

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DC Legislators Want to Brand Accused Students as Rapists—Even if They’re Never Convicted

By 07/15/2015

“Is there anything more terrifying than an outraged government official who wants to do somethingabout a moral issue? Some members of the D.C. city council would like to force universities to take a “Scarlet Letter” (WaPost’s phrasing) approach with students accused of sexual assault, permanently branding them as rapists—even if they are never convicted by adjudicators.

This is the brilliant idea of Councilwoman Anita Bonds, a Democrat: …”

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Cops Arrest Woman, 57, For Battering Female Domestic Partner With Dildo

By The Smoking Gun 07/13/2015

“A Florida woman is facing a domestic battery charge after allegedly using a dildo to batter her female domestic partner during a fight in 
the couple’s residence, police allege.

The confrontation Saturday evening occurred while a St. Petersburg Police Department officer was inside the home of Annette Kielhurn, 57, and Gamze Capaner-Ridley.

The cop was present to oversee Capaner-Ridley’s removal of personal belongings from the house, a move apparently prompted by Capaner-Ridley’s filing the prior day for a civil domestic violence injunction against Kielhurn. …”

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Students Told to Take Photos With a ‘Consent Contract’ Before They Have Sex

By The National Review 07/07/2015

” A“yes means yes” advocacy group, the Affirmative Consent Project, is instructing college students to take a picture with a contract before they have sex with each other just to make absolutely sure both parties are officially consenting. In fact, the group has been distributing contracts to schools nationwide as part of its Consent Conscious Kit, according to an article in the Washington Examiner. If no camera is available, students are encouraged to fill out the form on the back of the contract which states, “On this date [fill in the blank], we agree to have consensual sex with one another” followed by a space for students’ printed names and signatures. …”

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NYPD needs to crack down on cops convicted of domestic violence

By The New York Post 06/29/2015

“The NYPD needs to get tougher on cops convicted of domestic violence, a police oversight panel says.

The Commission to Combat Police Corruption reviewed police-involved domestic violence cases from 2013, and found that harsher punishments were deserved in seven of 88 of them.

In at least two, the cops should have been fired. …”

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Supreme Court Declares Same-Sex Marriage Legal In All 50 States

By NPR 06/26/2015

“States cannot keep same-sex couples from marrying and must recognize their unions, the Supreme Court says in a ruling that for months has been the focus of speculation. The decision was 5-4. …”

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Mattress Girls Accused Of Organized ‘Anti-Male’ Campaign

By The Daily Caller 06/25/2015

“Emma Sulkowicz, the Columbia University graduate immortalized as “Mattress Girl” for carrying a mattress as her senior thesis, has been accused of launching an organized “anti-male” campaign with Columbia’s support by the attorneys representing Paul Nungesser, the man she accused of raping her. …”

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Shocking Video Emerges Of Girl Being Attacked While Holding A TODDLER

By The Daily Caller 06/25/2015

“Disturbing video has emerged which shows a young woman being brutally attacked while holding a toddler.

The video appeared online on Tuesday, though it is still unclear where and when the attack took place.

The short video, which has gone viral with more than 6 million views on Facebook, shows a girl of unknown age harassing another girl who is seen holding a small child while sitting at a table with a friend. The attacker is also accompanied by a friend. Several bystanders are seen milling around what looks like a school playground or a public park. …”

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