Author Archive

California’s sexual re-education camps are coming soon

By Washington Examiner 06/02/2015

“Not content to redefine consent to mean asking permission before every step of the sexual process, California is now on the path to teaching high school students the proper way to have sex — because human nature is now wrong.

To recap: Last year California Gov. Jerry Brown signed a law aiming to redefine consent as an “affirmative, conscious, and voluntary agreement,” that is “ongoing throughout a sexual activity and can be revoked at any time.” Saying “no” to unwanted sexual contact was no longer necessary, as a “lack of protest or resistance does not mean consent, nor does silence mean consent.” Also, previous sexual history “should never by itself be assumed to be an indicator of consent.” Alcohol also negates consent, since the line between “intoxicated” and “incapacitated” can be decided after the fact by an accuser. …”

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Feminist Enemy Number One

By The Weekly Standard 06/01/2015

“Lately, there’s a lot of talk among feminists about the need to keep women safe. The rape culture is allegedly inescapable, and trigger warnings are appended to college syllabi to protect sensitive souls from reminders of any past cause of pain, from “neuro-atypical shaming” to mention of “how much a person weighs.” But it turns out that if you dare to debunk feminist myths, you’re the one that really needs protection. …”

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Male Victims of Sexual Violence Struggle for Voice

By The Cambodia Daily 05/30/2015

“A recent spate of cases of alleged sexual abuse of boys, several involving directors of child welfare NGOs, has drawn renewed attention to the prevalence of such crimes in Cambodia. Yet the male victims of such abuse remain shut out from support services due a perception that only women and girls can be victims of sexual violence, experts said this week. …”

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Why Men Kill Themselves

By Pacific Standard 05/22/2015

“Finally, Drummond had everything he’d ever dreamed of. He’d come a long way since he was a little boy, upset at his failure to get into the grammar school. That had been a great disappointment to his mother, and to his father, who was an engineer at a pharmaceutical company. His dad had never showed much interest in him as a child. He didn’t play with him and when he was naughty, he’d put him over the back of a chair and wallop him. That’s just the way men were in those days. Your father was feared and respected. Dads were dads. …”

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Bullied as a Kid, Obese as a Grown-up?

By MedLine Plus 05/20/2015

“WEDNESDAY, May 20, 2015 (HealthDay News) — Adults who were bullied in childhood may be at an increased risk for obesity, heart disease and diabetes, a new British study suggests.

“Our research has already shown a link between childhood bullying and risk of mental health disorders in children, adolescents and adults, but this study is the first to widen the spectrum of adverse outcomes to include risks for cardiovascular disease at mid-life,” said senior study author Louise Arseneault. She is a professor from the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience at King’s College London. …”

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Feminists want us to define these ugly sexual encounters as rape. Don’t let them.

By The Washington Post 05/20/2015

“There was the time when, 19 and naive, I was guilt-tripped into entirely unwanted physical intimacies with a much older married man. And the time, three or four years later, when I went to visit an on-and-off long-distance boyfriend and quickly realized that it was over for me — but he assumed we were still on, and I didn’t have the nerve to say no. And the time I told a man, “Look, I’m not going to sleep with you,” and it was taken as, “Try again in a couple of hours.” He did, and it worked. …”

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As Another Accusation Bites the Dust, Columbia Rape Saga Takes New Turn

By 05/20/2015

“This week’s graduation at Columbia University caps the bizarre, often sordid saga involving the two most famous members of the Class of 2015: Emma Sulkowicz, the activist who protested the school’s alleged mishandling of her alleged rape by carrying a mattress around campus, and Jean-Paul Nungesser, the German scholarship student she accuses of raping her. On Tuesday, Sulkowicz carried her mattress across the stage at Class Day, despite half-hearted attempts by Columbia officials to enforce a regulation against bringing “large objects” into the ceremonial area—and despite the fact that the “mattress performance” was for a senior visual arts thesis she had already completed. Her activism was also lauded (with no mention of her name) by two commencement speakers, Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti and United Nations Ambassador Samantha Power. …”

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David T. Pissara, Esq. Joins the Stop Abuse for Everyone “Speaker’s Bureau”

unnamedDavid T. Pisarra, Esq – Los Angeles

David T. Pisarra is a multi-talented, mixed media professional. He is a Family Law Attorney specializing in Men’s and Father’s rights who hosts the Men’s Family Law Podcast, writes a weekly opinion column for the Santa Monica Daily Press, and contributes to The and websites.

He is an internationally sought after speaker on Men’s Rights, Personal Performance, and Leadership Lessons From The Law. His presentations to audiences from California to Virginia and as far south as Mexico have garnered high praise for their entertainment and educational value.

He is the author of four books, three for men: A Man’s Guide To Divorce Strategy, A Man’s Guide to Child CustodyA Man’s Guide to Domestic Violence; and the internationally recognized What About Wally? Co-Parenting A Pet With An Ex.

He is The Lawyer’s Lawyer. His trainings for other lawyers across the nation with Thomson/Reuters have been on topics as diverse as Family Law For Men, International Child Custody, Domestic Violence, and Podcasting for Professionals.

There are many speakers on leadership, but few are able to ground their talks from lessons learned in the trenches of the courts, and the battlefields of business – David Pisarra has the experience and the ability to motivate not just from the top down, but from the bottom up. As an entrepreneur he has built companies, and fixed ones that were in trouble.

He worked his way through law school going into companies that were in distress and quickly managed to find ways to cut costs, motivate the staff, and, build and implement a publicity plan for new client development. As an entrepreneur himself he has built a medical diagnostic company, a law practice and a multi-media publishing company.

Prior Speaking Engagements: 


  • Thomson/REUTERS
  • Los Angeles County Bar Association – MInor’s Counsel Training
  • Santa Monica Parks and Recreation Department
  • BlogPaws Social Media Conference – Falls Church, VA
  • WordCamp LAX 2014 – Los Angeles, CA
  • Cross-Campus – Santa Monica, CA
  • New Visions Foundation – Santa Monica, CA
  • Rotary Club of Santa Monica
  • California Men’s Gathering 
  • Westside Toastmasters – Santa Monica, CA
  • South Bay Study Group – White Zuckerman Warshavsky – Hermosa Beach, CA
  • Valley Study Group – White Zuckerman Warshavsky – Van Nuys, CA


·        Open Circle Society – Ajijic, Mexico

·        American Legion – Chapala, Mexico


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David T. Pisarra, Esq. joins SAFE Speakers Bureau

unnamedDavid T. Pisarra, Esq – Los Angeles

David T. Pisarra is a multi-talented, mixed media professional. He is a Family Law Attorney specializing in Men’s and Father’s rights who hosts the Men’s Family Law Podcast, writes a weekly opinion column for the Santa Monica Daily Press, and contributes to The and websites.

He is an internationally sought after speaker on Men’s Rights, Personal Performance, and Leadership Lessons From The Law. His presentations to audiences from California to Virginia and as far south as Mexico have garnered high praise for their entertainment and educational value.

He is the author of four books, three for men: A Man’s Guide To Divorce Strategy, A Man’s Guide to Child CustodyA Man’s Guide to Domestic Violence; and the internationally recognized What About Wally? Co-Parenting A Pet With An Ex.

He is The Lawyer’s Lawyer. His trainings for other lawyers across the nation with Thomson/Reuters have been on topics as diverse as Family Law For Men, International Child Custody, Domestic Violence, and Podcasting for Professionals.

There are many speakers on leadership, but few are able to ground their talks from lessons learned in the trenches of the courts, and the battlefields of business – David Pisarra has the experience and the ability to motivate not just from the top down, but from the bottom up. As an entrepreneur he has built companies, and fixed ones that were in trouble.

He worked his way through law school going into companies that were in distress and quickly managed to find ways to cut costs, motivate the staff, and, build and implement a publicity plan for new client development. As an entrepreneur himself he has built a medical diagnostic company, a law practice and a multi-media publishing company.

Prior Speaking Engagements: 


  • Thomson/REUTERS
  • Los Angeles County Bar Association – MInor’s Counsel Training
  • Santa Monica Parks and Recreation Department
  • BlogPaws Social Media Conference – Falls Church, VA
  • WordCamp LAX 2014 – Los Angeles, CA
  • Cross-Campus – Santa Monica, CA
  • New Visions Foundation – Santa Monica, CA
  • Rotary Club of Santa Monica
  • California Men’s Gathering 
  • Westside Toastmasters – Santa Monica, CA
  • South Bay Study Group – White Zuckerman Warshavsky – Hermosa Beach, CA
  • Valley Study Group – White Zuckerman Warshavsky – Van Nuys, CA


·        Open Circle Society – Ajijic, Mexico

·        American Legion – Chapala, Mexico

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For Gay Children, Bullying Begins Early, Happens Often: Study

By MedLine Plus 05/06/2015

“WEDNESDAY, May 6, 2015 (HealthDay News) — Bullying starts as early as elementary and middle school, and occurs more frequently for students who later identify as gay, lesbian or bisexual, a new study suggests.

The study found that from fifth through 10th grade, children who later identified as lesbian, gay or bisexual were nearly twice as likely to be victims of weekly bullying during the previous year. …”

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