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Male victims of sexual abuse encourgaed to talk about their experiences

By Cape Breton Post 05/05/2015

“SYDNEY — Persuading male victims of sexual abuse to talk about their experiences is one of the keys to ending the cycle of sexual assault, says a Halifax social worker and expert on victimization.

But that may be easier said than done, according to Robert Wright, who spoke about the need to promote awareness of the needs of male victims during a lecture on Monday evening in Sydney. …”

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Suits From the Accused

By Inside Higher ED 05/01/2015

“He described the night as a consensual, Ecstasy-fueled threesome. She described it as a sexual assault.

Reed College agreed with the female student’s version of the events, in which she said she was coerced into having the encounter, and kicked the male student off campus. Now he’s suing the college, alleging that Reed engaged in “a series of arbitrary, discriminatory and illegal actions” to ensure a predetermined outcome: his expulsion. …”

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32 comments Wife of GOP operative John Yob takes diversionary plea on domestic violence charge

By 04/28/2015

“GRAND RAPIDS TOWNSHIP, MI – The wife of the political director for a GOP presidential contender will not go to jail after pleading to domestic violence against her husband as part of a diversionary program.

Erica Yob was in Kent County District Court Tuesday, April 28, where she pleaded no contest to a misdemeanor charge of domestic violence against her husband, John Yob. …”

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Brittney Griner pleads guilty in domestic violence case, enters counseling

By USA Today 04/28/2015

“WNBA star Brittney Griner accepted a plea deal and will enter a diversion program following her April 22 arrest on suspicion of assault and disorderly conduct, her attorney David Michael Cantor said Tuesday. …’

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1 in 3 Teen Boys Sexually Assaulted Tries Suicide, Study Finds

By MedLine Plus 04/17/2015

FRIDAY, April 17, 2015 (HealthDay News) — Teen boys who have been a victim of sexual assault are likelier to attempt suicide, a new study says.

University at Buffalo researchers analyzed data from more than 31,000 American teens, aged 14 to 18, who took part in surveys in 2009 and 2011.

Among healthy-weight boys, 3.5 percent of those with no history of sexual assault attempted suicide within the past year, compared with more than 33 percent of those who had been sexually assaulted, the investigators found. …”

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Men need to open up about depression, not man up and keep quiet

By The Telegraph 04/14/2105

“Suicide is now the leading cause of death in men under the age of 50. Think about that for a while. It is not cancer or heart disease or a car accident that is most likely to kill young, or even middle-aged men, but suicide. 

The Office for National Statistics also tell us that whereas in 1981, 63 per cent of suicides were male, now that figure is 78 per cent. …”

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Know the Signs of Child Abuse

By MedLine Plus 04/13/2015

ONDAY, April 13, 2015 (HealthDay News) — A report of child abuse is made every 10 seconds in the United States, and more than 1,600 children die each year from abuse or neglect, an expert says.

Child abuse survivors can suffer long-term physical, emotional and psychological problems, said Dr. Mary Jones, a child advocacy physician with the Loyola University Health System in Maywood, Ill. …”

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The S.C. killing and the child-support racket

By 04/13/2015

“Why was Walter Scott running away from a policeman who tried to stop him because of a broken tail light? The media are trying to make a South Carolina policeman’s killing of a black man, Walter Scott, another sensational case of racism, but the media have missed the point of the tragedy. …”

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Abuses in Establishing Paternity

By Women Against Paternity Fraud

To maximize child support collections, the federal government requires each state to have paternity establishment procedures.  The federal government also provides penalties and incentives to the states related to their performance in paternity establishment.  Eligibility for receipt of federal funds under Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) and under the incentive formula depends on tagging the largest number of men, and there is no review or requirement that it be the right men.  With the enormous sums of federal funds at stake, the result is not difficult to predict.  WAPF believes that the eligibility for receipt of federal funds given to states under Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) must change. …”

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Suicide crisis: The simple messages that can save a life

By The Northern Star 04/06/2015

“SUICIDE is now the leading cause of death among young Australians, figures from the Australian Bureau of Statistics reveal. New figures in the Bureau’s Causes of Death report show suicide increased 8% over five years and claimed the lives of 2520 Australians in 2013. …”

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