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One in five school staff victims of false claims, survey shows

By The Guardian 03/29/2015

More than one in five school staff has had a false allegation made against them by a pupil, according to a survey. A further 7% have also faced untrue claims from a student’s parent or family member, the study by a teaching union found. …”

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Married Jehovah’s Witness, 36, who had sex with boy, 15, after inviting him to sleepovers with her children avoids jail sentence

By Daily Mail 03/23/2015

“A Jehova’s witness who had sex with a schoolboy was caught out when the child’s suspicious mother hid a tape recorder in his bedroom. Mother-of-two Kelly Richards admitted having sex with the 15-year-old during a three-month affair but was spared prison by a judge yesterday. The 36-year-old met the boy after he befriended one of her sons at church and she invited the teenager to her home for sleepovers with her children. …”

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Senator Feinstein’s Tacit Approval of Female Abusers

By Men’s E-News 03/18/2015

“The Senator’s strong position against male on female violence is certainly laudable, it is her deafening silence in the face of female on male abuse that is rotting her moral authority from the inside out. …”

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Criminal sentencing: Do women get off easy?

By Youtube 03/16/2015

If you are a criminal defendant, it is far better to be a woman than a man. For the same crime, and with a similar criminal history, men in the U.S. are imprisoned much more frequently and for much longer sentences. This is one gender gap that we hear very little about. AEI resident scholar Christina Hoff Sommers explains the very real consequences of being a man vs. a woman on trial for the same crime. …”

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North Carolina student gets DJ banned over ‘Blurred Lines’ because of ‘rape culture’

By The Daily Caller 04/10/2014

“…North Carolina Chapel Hill student Liz Hawryluk got DJ at Fitzgerald’s Irish Pub banned over song “Blurred Lines” because she worries about rape culture. …”

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Hung jury! Jodi Arias won’t be executed

By HLN 03/05/2015

The Jodi Arias sentencing retrial ended Thursday after a second Arizona jury was unable to reach a unanimous decision on Jodi Arias’ punishment for the gruesome 2008 murder of her ex-boyfriend Travis Alexander. …”

Violence against men isn’t taken seriously. If the genders were reversed would there have a much different outcome?

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