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Don’t know why it’s so hard to believe 25 women’: Jay Leno speaks out in support of Bill Cosby sexual assault accusers

By Daily Mail 01/22/2015

“…Former late night talk show host Jay Leno has voiced his support for the women who’ve come forward claiming they were sexually assaulted by comedy legend Bill Cosby. …”

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New rape allegation against Duke fraternity after student claims she was sexually assaulted after she passed out when given hot chocolate

By Daily Mail 01/22/2015

“…A statement from Duke University says Alpha Delta Phi has been suspended while Durham police investigate what happened at an off-campus house leased by fraternity members. …”

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Revenge Porn And Its Potential Risk To College Student

By Men’s E-News 01/22/2015

“…We already know the nightmarish remedy that has been legislated concerning sexual assaults in California campuses. To put the decisions of guilt or innocence based on a preponderance of the evidence in the hands of the college administrations is preposterous and is leading to college students’ lives being ruined by the false accusations. …”

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No polling organization would ever be taken seriously if its sample size was 73, and neither should this ‘study’ on college rape

By American Enterprise Institute 01/14/2015

“…Trigger Warning: If you get upset when confronted by facts and accurate statistics about campus sexual assault, please stop reading now! …”

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Mattress-Carrying Columbia Senior to Attend State of the Union

By Jezebel 01/18/2015

“…Columbia University senior Emma Sulkowicz – who gained attention last year for carrying around the mattress on which her alleged 2012 sexual assault took place – is headed to the State of the Union address. …”

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Gloating Facebook message of female thug moments after she was spared jail over shocking belt attack which left a man blinded

By Capital Bay 01/16/2015

“…A female thug gloated that she was enjoying a ‘well deserved glass of wine’ after being spared jail for a ‘savage’ attack on a man which left him blind in one eye. …”

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UVa to pay $500,000 for Rolling Stone claim reviews

By The Roanoke Times 01/17/2015

“…The University of Virginia will pay more than $500,000 for separate reviews of its response to a since-discredited fraternity gang rape claim and the school’s sexual assault policies, but many lingering questions could go publicly unanswered. …”

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