Author Archive

Male victims of sexual violence get a rare voice in documentary supported by archdiocese

Male victims of sexual violence get a rare voice in documentary supported by archdiocese

By Agnieska Ruck, 08/31/21

“…Jeremy wants to shed light on stories that are often forgotten in public discourse about sexual abuse. In The Cost of Silence, he interviews nine victims/survivors of sexual abuse, all of them male. One was abused by a Catholic priest. Three were abused by women, including one by the victim’s own mother….”

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Increase in number of male domestic abuse victims seeking support

Increase in number of male domestic abuse victims seeking support

By Ryan O’Rourke, 08/09/21

“…He hasn't told his friends who are living here. He hasn't confided in his own community. It's just easier for him to continue sleeping in a van…Ms Bentley explained some of the obstacles these men face when they try to speak out….”

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Genesee County task force for elder abuse shares red flags for spotting possible abuse

Genesee County task force for elder abuse shares red flags for spotting possible abuse

By Michael Nafso, 09/15/21

“…My grandparents are all gone now, and you start to see some of these cases and how these victims have been treated by loved ones and family members. It really tugs on your heart strings,” Sergeant Jillian Macey said. Macey is the sergeant over the ‘GRACE’ team….”

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More than 10% of older New Yorkers at risk of elder abuse

More than 10% of older New Yorkers at risk of elder abuse
By Record Staff, 08/28/21

“…More than one in 10 older adults in New York state – more than 360,000 people – may become victims of elder mistreatment over the next decade, estimates a first-of-its-kind study by collaborators from Cornell and the University of Toronto….

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Signs of bullying parents should watch out for

Signs of bullying parents should watch out for

By Erica Greenway, August 31, 2021

“…Stephanie Newman, a Licensed Professional Counselor with Thriveworks in Virginia Beach, says bullying impacts kids much more than adults because their identities are still forming….”

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State audit raises concerns about investigations of elder abuse in Connecticut

State audit raises concerns about investigations of elder abuse in Connecticut

By Dave Altimari, August 13, 2021

“…From 2016 to 2019, the number of state investigations into complaints of elder abuse increased by 29% — even while higher caseloads have kept state workers from visiting their clients as often as required, according to a new report….”

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More than 10% of older adults at risk of elder abuse

More than 10% of older adults at risk of elder abuse

by James Dean, Aug 17, 2021

“…More than 1 in 10 older adults in New York state – over 360,000 people – may become victims of elder mistreatment over the next decade, estimates a first-of-its-kind study by collaborators from Cornell and the University of Toronto…”

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