Author Archive
By WRGT 04/17/2021
"…Suicide is the second leading cause of death for people between ages 10 and 34, and Sidney City School received a somber reminder of this fact when a student, Matthew, attempted suicide after being bullied…"
Shining a light on LGBTQ+ sexual assault
By The Daily Evergreen 04/15/2021
"… Sexual assault is a hard topic to talk about. When we think of sexual assault, we think of the victims as just females, but there are many other people affected by sexual assault, including LGBTQ+ individuals…"
Read the entire article: 105439/opinion/dropinion- shining-a-light-on-lgbtq- sexual-assault/
Male domestic violence victim in the UK dies 12 days after ‘smirking’ partner arrested
By 7 News 04/14/2021
"… A shocking documentary aired in the UK has shown the moment a “smirking” woman is arrested for allegedly inflicting grievous bodily harm on her partner, who later died…"
Long Marriage Becomes Abusive Over Time
By UExpress 04/15/2021
"… When she hits him, Adam sits there expressionless and doesn't react. He's not the man he once was, and he is adored by many people…"
Read the entire article: https://www.uexpress. com/dearabby/2021/4/15/long- marriage-becomes-abusive-over- time
#MeTooGay: French male gay victims break taboo on sexual abuse
By France24 01/25/2021
"…male gay victims of sexual violence have followed suit by using the #MeTooGay hashtag to speak out about abuse they have never before dared to share for fear it would trigger a homophobic backlash against France’s already vulnerable LGBT+ community…"
The relationship between self-harm and bullying among adolescents
By Bio Med Central 03/31/2021
"…It is not only being the victim of bullying that is related to self-harm, but also being a bully aggressor. In fact, in our study we found that adolescents who are both bullies and are bullied by their peers (the bully-victims), were the group most vulnerable to self-harm…"
World Elder Abuse Awareness Day still remains important to this day
By Viera Voice 03/30/2021
"…World Elder Abuse Awareness Day is an annual international observance day held on June 15 each year. The WEAAD came about as the result of the United Nations’ 66/127 2011 resolution, regarding a request by the International Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse (INPEA)…"
Read the entire article: senior-life/health_and_ wellness/world-elder-abuse- awareness-day-still-remains- important-to-this-day/article_ 7a5f2894-919a-11eb-b3cd- 5fd12fa034c8.html
Awareness-raising campaign on same sex intimate partner violence launched
By Independent 03/18/2021
"… The Commission on gender-based violence and domestic violence shall be initiating another online awareness-raising campaign, this time about same-sex intimate partner violence…"
Read the entire article: mt/articles/2021-03-18/local- news/Awareness-raising- campaign-on-same-sex-intimate- partner-violence-launched- 6736231908
Rise in reports from male domestic abuse victims to Humberside Police
By Planet Radio 03/11/2021
"…Reports from male domestic abuse victims to Humberside Police accounted for more than a quarter of last year’s total and have more than doubled since 2014, force figures show…"
Brown University Will Let Students Anonymously Report Title IX Sexual Misconduct
By Reason 03/22/2021
"…Brown University has debuted a new system for reporting sexual harassment and misconduct under the auspices of Title IX, the federal law that prohibits sex- and gender-based discrimination in education. Notably, it allows students to make an anonymous accusation against another member of campus…"
Read the entire article: 2021/03/22/brown-university- will-let-students-anonymously- report-title-ix-sexual- misconduct/