Author Archive
By Amy McCready – Positive Parenting Solutions 03/04/2021
“…When your kids move from disagreement to physical aggression, break out these time-tested techniques and strategies for keeping your cool, diffusing the situation, and creating teaching moments that can circumvent future tussles…”
Read the entire article: https://www. positiveparentingsolutions. com/parenting/sibling-fighting
An Overview of Elder Abuse
By Center for Elders and The Courts 03/03/2021
“…Elder abuse has many variations and its victims may not be readily identifiable when they are involved in court proceedings…”
Read the entire article: https://www.eldersandcourts. org/elder-abuse/basics
Domestic Violence and the LGBTQ Community
By Harmony House 03/08/2021
“… Because the majority of domestic violence awareness movement has focused on heterosexual relationships, members of the LGBTQ+ community have been largely left out of the movement…”
Read the entire article: https://www.myharmonyhouse. org/how-we-help/survivor- resources/lgbtq/
Male victim of domestic abuse urges other men ‘to speak up’ too
By ITV 03/12/2021
"… A male survivor of domestic abuse has told ITV News it was only when he opened up to a friend about the behaviour he experienced, that he felt able to leave the relationship he was in. …"
Read the entire article: channel/2021-03-11/male- victim-of-domestic-abuse- urges-other-men-to-speak-up- too
Bullying comes in many shapes, forms. Here’s how to recognize it and act on your child’s behalf
By Omaha World Harold 02/26/2021
"… It comes in many shapes and forms, from verbal comments, physical contact and rumor-spreading to cyberbullying. According to statistics, 28 percent of children ages 6 to 12 have experienced bullying. Seventy percent have witnessed it. …"
COVID Crisis Triggers Increase in Elder Abuse
By Rebecca Weber – 02/22/2021
“…And then there are those unpaid family caregivers who have been left with reduced incomes or no incomes at all as a result of the COVID crisis. The stress they are under can readily result in abuse…”
Read the entire article:
Domestic abuse charity responds after losing £5million contract
By Brighton and Hove Independent 02/25/2021
"…RISE was responding to a Brighton and Hove City Council briefing published last Friday (19 February). It said that the domestic violence and abuse support services needed a “broader focus on an inclusive service” with help for heterosexual and gay male survivors…"
Read the entire article:
Chongqing grants restraining order to male victim of domestic violence for first time
By Global Times 02/28/2021
"…Zhao could no longer tolerate his wife's repeated domestic violence and filed for a restraining order to the Chongqing Municipality Liangping District People's Court on February 9, requiring Gao to stop beating and verbally abusing him…"
Read the entire article:
Sexual Assault Against Boys Is a Crisis
By Emma Brown – Washington Post 02/22/2021
"… We can’t solve the problem of violence against girls and women without also addressing violence against men and boys. And we won’t succeed in teaching our sons to care for other people’s bodies until we learn to care for theirs. …"
Elder Abuse: COVID Crisis Triggers Increase in Elder Abuse and Prejudice Aimed at Seniors
By John Grimaldi – AMAC 02/19/2021
“…There’s been a worrisome increase in cases of elder abuse since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, reports the Association of Mature American Citizens [AMAC]…”
Read the entire article here: