Author Archive
By NBC News 01/17/2021
"…If a kid called one of us fat or ugly or stupid, or pushed us into the snow, or stole our baseball cards on the playground, we didn’t run home and tell our parents. Most likely they weren’t home, and if they were, they’d roll their eyes and tell us to stop being such babies…"
The prevalent violence against elders: a wake-up call
By Nation Online 01/14/2021
"… There is much talk about violence against the minorities, but one community of people that are left in the dark is the eldery. Oftentimes, when elders are assaulted, they are unaware of resources that they can use to help themselves, and are also shrouded in the stigma…"
Read the entire article: the-prevalent-violence- against-elders-a-wake-up-call- 43790.html
Stop Kids Fighting — How To Handle Sibling Rivalry
By Parentology 12/03/2020
"… Although there may not be a direct solution to this problem, there are other ways to promote and warm and loving relationships between siblings. While most parents see no end to the fighting, don’t let the helpless feeling overcome you. …"
Read the entire article: kids-fighting-how-to-handle- sibling-rivalry/
The Brutality of Boyhood
By Washington Monthly 01/11/2021
"… About one in four men experiences some kind of sexual violence over the course of his lifetime, ranging from unwanted physical contact to rape, according to a 2015 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention study. It’s worse for LGBTQ boys and men. Perhaps even more striking, in one recent national study of about 13,000 teenagers, of the boys who reported being victimized 75 percent said their assailant was another child. …"
Read the entire article: https:// magazine/january-february- march-2021/the-brutality-of- boyhood/
Domestic Violence Occurs Mostly Against Women, But Men Are Victims As Well In Coral Springs And Across The Nation
By Tap Into 01/09/2021
"… Based on the violence against women survey reported in an article on WebMd, women who do the abusing are more likely to attack their male victims by throwing something, kicking or biting, hitting them with an object, and threatening them with a knife, or actually using a knife. …"
Read the entire article: coral-springs/sections/police- and-fire/articles/domestic- violence-occurs-mostly- against-women-but-men-are- victims-as-well-in-coral- springs-and-across-the-nation
Queer victims of domestic violence are finally protected by law in all 50 states after historic court ruling
By Pink News 01/04/2021
"… North Carolina had been the only state that did not offer equal protection to queer people in same-sex relationships – but that changed in a court ruling delivered Thursday (31 December). …"
Elder abuse education poster campaign launched
By Shoreline Beacon 01/11/2021
"… With calls to the provincial Seniors Safety Line up 300 percent during the COVID-19 pandemic, a new elder abuse poster campaign provides information and support through the Grey Bruce Elder Abuse Prevention (GBEAP) – a subcommittee of Violence Prevention Grey Bruce. …"
Read the entire article: https://www.shorelinebeacon. com/news/local-news/elder- abuse-education-poster- campaign-launched
Hints From Heloise: Bullying can follow kids anywhere
By The Washington Post 01/11/2021
"… Back in the day, bullying and intimidation by kids and classmates used to stop the minute a child stepped off the school bus in the afternoon. Today though, with social media, it can perpetuate. …"
Read the entire article: https://www.washingtonpost. com/lifestyle/advice/hints- from-heloise-bullying-can- follow-kids-anywhere/2021/01/ 10/8f2e77e0-49ea-11eb-839a- cf4ba7b7c48c_story.html
Most women who commit family violence turn to verbal abuse, report finds
By The Guardian 01/12/2021
"… Australian researchers say women most often use force when threatened and they take responsibility for their actions…"
Read the entire article: australia-news/2021/jan/13/ most-women-who-commit-family- violence-turn-to-verbal-abuse- report-finds
Police launch video to highlight male victims of domestic abuse
By North Yorkshire Police 12/14/2021
"… North Yorkshire Police's Safeguarding Team have today launched a video to raise awareness of the fact that men can be victims of domestic abuse. …"
Read the entire article: https://northyorkshire.police. uk/news/police-launch-video- to-highlight-male-victims-of- domestic-abuse/