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Department of Aging calls for needed update to Older Adults Protective Services Act

By NCPA 09/21/2020
“… The findings of this study reinforce the urgent need for the General Assembly to update the Older Adults Protective Services Act (OAPSA) to strengthen protections against financial exploitation of older adults. …”

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‘Mask Bullying’ Is a Thing & Parents Have To Worry About It With Kids Going Back to School

By CafeMom 08/18/2020

“… Experts with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention now fear that “/mask bullying” will be a trend in schools throughout the country if districts do not mandate mask-wearing policies. The consequences of that peer pressure could be devastating. …”

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Who speaks for male victims of abuse?


By Iol 08/18/2020

“… That said, men abuse is real. And, it is killing the menfolk silently – we shouldn’t shy away from raising this matter in public. Otherwise, we will also be contributing to male abuse. Yet it is not receiving the attention it deserves. Even writers and researchers show little interest on the subject. The sad part about male abuse is that there is a stigma attached to it. …”

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Male domestic abuse victim too ashamed to come forward as he was being ‘pushed around by a woman’

By Derbyshire Live 08/02/2020

“… A Derbyshire man who suffered years domestic abuse at the hands of his partner has said he put up with it for so long because he felt too ashamed to tell anyone he was being “pushed around by a woman”. …”

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Injury patterns may help spot differences between abuse and accidents in elderly people

By News Medical 07/28/2020

“… The signs of physical abuse among elderly people can be challenging for health care professionals to recognize, resulting in as few as one in 24 cases being reported to authorities. However, a new study in Annals of Emergency Medicine explores injury patterns and characteristics to help experts spot key differences between abuse and unintentional injury. …”

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