Author Archive
By Mark J. Perry – AEI 05/11/2020
“… Universities and school districts have been illegally violating the civil rights of boys and men with impunity for many decades because nobody until recently has challenged illegal single-sex programs. …”
Read the entire article: carpe-diem/some-media-reports- and-updates-on-my-efforts-to- challenge-title-ix-violations/ ?utm_source=feedburner&utm_ medium=email&utm_campaign= Feed%3A+blogspot%2FmmMP+% 28CARPE+DIEM%29
Experiencing sibling squabbles
By Vanessa Hoines – Mandan News 05/08/2020
“… Children may be spending a lot more time at home with their siblings than ever before. All of this togetherness can be positive for learning how to build on this important lifelong relationship. …”
Significant increase in number of men calling Irish domestic abuse helpline
By Ian Begley – Extra 05/04/2020
“… Domestic abuse counsellors have reported a significant increase in the number of men seeking support since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic. …”
Read the entire article: news/irish-news/men-domestic- abuse-helplines
Domestic Abuse during COVID-19 – What about the boys?
By Emma C Warburton – The BMJ 05/12/2020
“… Whilst we accept the rubric that ‘protection for women and girls’ is mandatory to future response plans, we ask: why is the issue of male domestic abuse not being considered? …”
Read the entire article: 369/bmj.m1712/rr-1
DeVos finalizes regulations that give more rights to those accused of sexual assault on college campuses
By CNN 05/06/2020
“… Education Secretary Betsy DeVos on Wednesday formally announced new protections for those accused of campus sexual harassment and assault, a controversial move that upends Obama-era guidance she had argued denied due process to the accused. …”
Coronavirus lockdown measures may be putting older adults at greater risk of abuse
By The Conversation 05/10/2020
“… Widespread media reports have highlighted the concerning rise in domestic violence because of lockdown. Much of these reports have focused on the impact on women and children. However, many older adult victims of domestic violence are also at significant risk during the pandemic. …”
Read the entire article: coronavirus-lockdown-measures- may-be-putting-older-adults- at-greater-risk-of-abuse- 137430
LGBT+ people think domestic violence is a cis-straight issue, study finds. They’re wrong.
By Patrick Kelleher – Pink News 05/11/2020
“… The research revealed that many LGBT+ people hold deep misconceptions about domestic violence and don’t understand the many ways it can impact upon queer communities. …”
Read the entire article: 2020/05/11/lgbt-domestic- violence-gay-cisgender- straight-australia-study/
Men can be abuse victims, too
By David P. Eaton – The Washington Post 05/10/2020
“… But recent research indicates that two of every five abuse victims is male. Abuse is gender-specific, so the VAWA needs to be rendered gender-neutral. …”
Read the entire article: https://www.washingtontimes. com/news/2020/may/10/letters- editor-men-can-be-abuse- victims-too/
German states announce new hotline for male victims of domestic violence
By DW 04/22/2020
“… The hotline, specifically for men, can be used by male victims of domestic abuse or sexual violence, but also those by those who are at risk of other kinds of violence. Examples include victims of stalking and arranged marriage. …”
Read the entire article: states-announce-new-hotline- for-male-victims-of-domestic- violence/a-53209399
Talking with your children about cyberbullying during pandemic
By Ashley Wheeler – KJRH 04/03/2020
“… Expert say now is the time to talk with your child about cyberbullying. Kids and technology is nothing new, but with kids home all day with phones and on the internet, there is an increased risk of cyberbullying. …”
Read the entire article: local-news/talking-with-your- children-about-cyberbullying- during-pandemic