Author Archive

UK cases of domestic abuse by female family members double

By Gregory Robinson – The Guardian  04/14/2020
“… Abuse from a sibling is also less likely to be reported because of the fear of retaliation from the perpetrator, or because they may be unable to recognise the difference between abuse and “acceptable” sibling aggression. …”

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Seniors targeted in coronavirus scams

By Sam McGriskin – The Post Millennial 04/18/2020
“… Seniors are one of the populations most affected by coronavirus pandemic and now they are also the target of scammers attempting to prey on people while they are vulnerable. The government is working to support people who are most impacted by the virus but scammers are taking advantage of this by imitating authorities to collect money from seniors. …”

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Coronavirus restrictions highlight LGBTQ domestic abuse crisis

By  Finbarr Toesland – NBC News 04/17/2020
“… While many of the same methods of control used by heterosexual domestic abusers are also used by LGBTQ abusers, those who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or queer face unique forms of manipulation related to their sexual orientation or gender identity. …”

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Charity Calls for Services for Male Victims of Domestic Abuse

By Mike Gilmore – FM104 04/11/2020
“… Domestic abuse charity, Men’s Aid, is expressing concern over the lack of services available for male victims during the pandemic. Recent figures suggest that one in seven men experience some form of domestic abuse. …”

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Coronavirus Is No Excuse to Delay the Education Department’s New Title IX Regulations

By Justin Dillon & KC Johnson – National Review 03/30/2020

“… DeVos’s proposed rule would ensure basic rights for accused students — notice, access to evidence, a live hearing, and the ability to have a lawyer or advocate cross-examine adverse witnesses — that are often or almost always absent in the current Title IX process imposed by Obama-era guidance. …”

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Part 1: Financial Abuse Steals Billions from Seniors Each Year

By Carla Fried – Rate 03/29/2020

“… There are many ways to build a line of defense that will make it less likely you, or an elderly parent or loved one, will fall prey to scams. In this installment, I’ll cover advice for people in their 50s and 60s on how to start building protections into their financial life. …”

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Growing number of men coming forward to report domestic abuse to police

By Tom Potter – Ipswich News 03/28/2020

“… The number of offences reported by male victims increased almost a third in the last two years. The rise has been put down to a variety of factors, including better support and more awareness. …”

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Domestic violence shelters stay open during “Stay at Home” period

By Katie Ellington – Richland Resource 03/24/2020
“… “Individuals whose residences are unsafe or become unsafe, such as victims of domestic violence, are permitted and urged to leave their home and stay at a safe alternative location,” the order states. …”

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