Have You Heard? NYC Has An Anti-Male Fancy Social Club That Bans Men From Joining
Hosted By: Annie Ubelis
Guest: Dr. Paul Nathanson
April 10, 2019
Hosted By: Annie Ubelis
Guest: Dr. Paul Nathanson
April 10, 2019
Hosted By: Pat Miller
Guest: Dr. Paul Nathanson
April 16, 2019
Hosted By: Jim Bohannon
Guest: Dr. Paul Nathanson
June 12, 2019
According to a study in 2011 by the National Center for Education Statistics and Bureau of Justice Statistics, 20% of U.S. students between grades 9-12 have experienced bullying. Bullying was identified by the Center for Disease Control and Department of Education as a perceived power imbalance through repeated unwanted aggressive behavior from an individual or individuals. Both indirectly and directly, perpetrators use physical, verbal, and relational abuse to harm individuals, resulting in depression, anxiety, isolation, and even suicide from victims. Despite intervention from bystanders, bullying is still an ongoing concern both in schools and workplaces.
Bullying Statistics: Cyberbullying Statistics
American SPCC (American society for the positive care of children): Bullying Statisitics
Eschooltoday: Your facts and basic tips on bullying
Tackle Bullying
Education Corner: Bullying epidemic: Facts, statistics and prevention
Scholastic: Teasing and bullying: No laughing matter
Consumer Information: Help prevent cyberbullying
Identify and Prevent Bullying in School
National Institute on Aging: Elder Abuse
World Health Organization: Elder Abuse
NCEA (National Center on Elder Abuse)
SAGE: Elder Abuse and Fraud
GAO (U.S. government accountability office: Elder Abuse)
Fidelity: Prevent financial Elder Abuse
Abusive partners in LGBT relationships use physical, sexual, and emotional abuse, in addition to financial control and isolation to control their partners. By maintaining power, abusers use threats and justification as tactics to continue the abuse. Some other tactics include intimidation, blame, privilege, and economic abuse in order to feel dominant and powerful in the relationship. According to the Human Rights Campaign, 40 percent of gay men experience sexual violence while only 21 percent of heterosexual men experience it.
Center for American Progress: Domestic Violence in the LGBT Community
Encyclopedia of social work: Domestic Violence in the LGBT Community
End the fear: Same-sex domestic abuse
Domestic abuse/sexual Assault Service: Domestic Violence-Impact on LGBT Victims
LGBT Bucks: Domestic Abuse
Walter Shelter Inc, Inc: Domestic Violence and Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Relationships
Safe House: Power and Control Wheel for LGBT Relationships
NOBullying.com: The Real Truth About Sibling Abuse
PDF chapter from The Hidden Feelings of Motherhood: The LongShadow Adult Survivors of Childhood Abuse
Professional School Counseling: Hidden Abuse within the Home: Recognizing and Responding to Sibling Abuse
Healthy Place: Sibling Abuse as a result of Childhood Mental Illness
Learning Network: Sibling Violence
Active Minds
American Foundation for Suicide Prevention
Guide To Suicide Prevention
Fighting Suicide and Depression In College
It Gets Better
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255, chat
Spanish line (1-888-628-9454)
Stop Soldier Suicide: (844-889-5610)
A Friend Asks (android, iOS)
MY3 (android, iOS)
Ask & prevent suicide (android, iOS)
Suicide Crisis Support (android)
HELP prevent suicide (android, iOS)
Stay alive (android, iOS) UK-based
Operation reach out (iOS) veterans & military family
1-800-suicide (1-800-784-2433)
text telephone (1-800-799-4889)
military veterans suicide hotline (1-800-273-talk) [press 1]
suicide hotline in Spanish (1-800-273-talk) [press 2]
LGBT youth suicide hotline (1-866-4-U-Trevor)
By: Dave Philipps – The New York Times 09/10/19
“… More than 100,000 men have been sexually assaulted in the military in recent decades. Shame and stigma kept the vast majority from coming forward to report the attacks. Six men are speaking out to break the silence. ..”
Read the entire article: https://www.nytimes.
By: Stacy M. Brown – The Washington Informer 09/11/19
“… The Elder Abuse Response Team Act was reintroduced to establish the District of Columbia Elder Abuse Response Team (EART), a partnership of public and private agencies that will coordinate a high-quality, multidisciplinary, victim-centered response to elder abuse. …”
Read the entire article: https://
By Rod McCullom – Time 09/10/19
“… Researchers believe more than 3.2 million American students experience bullying every year. That’s about 1 percent of the nation’s total population…”
Read the entire article: https://news.yahoo.
By Damien Riggs Ph.D – Psychology Today 09/08/19
“… They may “out” victims or misrepresent their identities to significant others (family members, friends, neighbors, workmates) without regard for the consequences for victims, or to deliberately cause harm. …”
Read the entire article: https://www.
By Lisa Rodriguez – KBIA 08/19/2019
“… “Normally shelters separate the families, either you have your daughters with you and your sons go somewhere else. So I think it’s really good that they’re bringing families together and keeping that unit together,” Ellington says. …”
Read the entire article: https://www.kbia.org/post/new-