Author Archive
Sibling Conflict: When Is It Bullying?
Domestic violence reports among teens and LGBT rising
Nursing Home Abuse: America’s Silent Epidemic
Domestic Violence Against Men Awareness Month
By Stop Abusive and Violent Environments
Tackling terrible toll of school bullying: The Yorkshire Post says
By The Yorkshire Post 08/04/2019
“… What is not in doubt is the terrible impact bullying has on its victims – and the way in which social media is making it ever-harder for children to protect themselves from abuse. …”
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How to Avoid Sibling Rivalry
By Kristen Licciardi – Teen Life 07/30/2019
“… Sibling rivalry is a pertinent issue for children, teens and parents alike. Luckily, there are ways to combat this ongoing competition between siblings! …”
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Study calls for legal reform on ‘hidden crime’ few male victims will talk about
By 07/25/2019
“… Men have added their voices to a ground-breaking study—the first of its kind to interview men in the UK—which examines their experience of non-consensual sex with women (known as ‘forced to penetrate’ cases or FTP). …”
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Tackling terrible toll of school bullying: The Yorkshire Post says
By The Yorkshire Post 08/04/2019
“… What is not in doubt is the terrible impact bullying has on its victims – and the way in which social media is making it ever-harder for children to protect themselves from abuse. …”
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