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Tragic schoolboy Sam Connor, 14, ‘handed friends a note with two names on it’ before laying down in front of a train – but school insists ‘bullying was not an issue’

By Jake Wallis Simons – Daily Mail 07/18/2019

“… Other friends said Sam was a bright and clever pupil, but said he was worried about his end of year grades before going into his GCSE years. Several parents at the school said he was being bullied. …”

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‘You just feel so alone’: violence in same-sex relationships in the shadows

By Michaela Whitbourn – The Sydney Morning Herald 07/09/2019

“… It was not until a Gay and Lesbian Liaison Officer (GLLO) at Kings Cross police station put him in touch with the Inner City Legal Centre’s Safe Relationships Project – an Australian-first service providing court support to lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, intersex or queer (LGBTIQ) people experiencing domestic violence – that he started to feel like he had someone in his corner.  …”

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Male Student Receives $725,000 From Michigan State After Sex Assault Allegations, Accuser Receives $475,000  

By Ashe Schow – The Daily Wire 07/13/2019
“… Michigan State University has settled a pair of lawsuits, one brought by a former football player who says he was falsely accused of sexual assault and the other brought by the female accuser. …”

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About Last Night: Where can abused men get help?

By Maureen Matthews – The Sydney Morning Herald 07/14/2019
“…  If that young man had called the police would he have been taken seriously? If he was traumatised would other men have been sympathetic? Where could he have gone for counselling and support? …”

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New Illinois law protecting elderly from abuse doesn’t go far enough

By Chicago Sun Times 07/12/2019
“… Opposed by the entire Illinois elder bureaucracy in its original form, the bill in its final form requires most elders to give permission for their family members to be questioned. …”

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Instagram now asks bullies: ‘Are you sure?’

By Dave Lee – BBC News 07/08/2019

“… Instagram believes its new anti-bullying tool, which prompts users to pause and consider what they are saying, could help curb abuse on the platform. It will also soon offer the targets of bullying the ability to restrict interactions with users who are causing them distress. …”

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Domestic Violence On The Rise In Japan, But It’s MEN Who Are Reporting The Abuse

By Ashe Schow – The Daily Wire 06/29/2019

“… The South China Morning Post reported last week that reports from men have increased in recent years, from 181 domestic violence complaints in 2014 to 1,571 such complaints in 2018. …”

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