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A district attorney won’t prosecute gay domestic violence cases because he’s a ‘good Christian’

By Bil Browning – LGBTQ Nation 06/05/2019
“… Craig Northcott, the district attorney general of Coffee County, says on the recording that he refuses to prosecute gay domestic violence cases because he doesn’t believe the relationship is moral. …”

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Kids in Crisis: Bullying is everywhere, but data on it isn’t. Could tracking help?

By Devi Shastri and Eric Litke – Milwaukee Journal Sentinel 06/05/2019
“… If the term bullying is ubiquitous these days, defining the word, let alone tracking how much it occurs in school, is far more difficult. As a result, there is little to no uniform data collected on bullying across Wisconsin and much of the country. …”

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Long-Term Health Effects of Teen Dating Violence

By  Nancy Werteen – WFMZ 05/31/2019
“… About 33 percent of adolescents in the United States are victims of sexual, physical, verbal, or emotional dating abuse. But what kind of effects do these tumultuous relationships have down the road? …”

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Court ruling opens new avenue for lawsuits from students accused of sexual assault

By David Jesse – Detroit Free Press 06/05/2019
“…A ruling in a Michigan federal court could open the path for more students accused of sexual assault at private colleges and universities to sue. …”

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Sexual assault against male service members still problematic

By Jim Dresbach – Pentagram 05/02/2019
“… Department of Defense statistics state that 38 military men are sexually assaulted every day and more than half of sexual assault victims are men. …”

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Connecticut Family Extra: Bully In The Family

By Sarah  Cody – WTNH 05/14/2019
“… Wolke also said those who were victims of bullying at home were at twice the risk of developing depression, anxiety and self-harm. Bullies were triple the risk of developing mental health problems, even as serious as schizophrenia or bipolar disorder. …”

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New State BOE member says he won’t tolerate bullying

By Tiffany Thompson – WGXA 05/21/2019
“… According to the National Center for Educational Statistics, one out of every five students reports they’ve been bullied. And 33% of students who reported being bullied in school say they were a victim of it once or twice a month during the school year. …”

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Elder abuse warning signs: Here’s what Michigan’s Attorney General says you need to look for

By Jennifer Ann Wilson – WXYZ 05/17/2019
“… The 2 most common complaints the AG’s office investigates regarding senior living facilities are: emotional and physical abuse, financial exploitation. …”

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