Author Archive

‘Men suffer their abuse in silence’ – Hotline for male victims of domestic violence launched

By Gabija Gataveckaite – 05/20/2019
“… Only 5 percent of male domestic abuse victims report incidents to the gardaí, according to research from the National Crime Agency. Launched by the Men’s Development Network, the hotline aims to support up to 5,000 calls a year from male victims of domestic abuse. …”

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California Senate committee hides opposition to bill against campus due process

By Greg Piper – The College Fix 04/18/2019
“… In a letter shared with The College Fix, FACE Co-President Cynthia Garrett said her group distributed the opposition letter “in person throughout the Senate” March 20 and emailed it to “every senator” March 31. …”

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Older Americans Month: What is elder abuse?

By Cathy Thomas Brownfield – Salem News 05/06/2019
“… Every year FRC provides information relating to Older Americans Month which is observed during the month of May. As I read reliable resources regarding elder abuse, I learned that there are diverse definitions for the term “elder abuse.” …”

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It happens to us too: Abuse and sexual assault in LGBTQ relationships

By Oluwatomike Bali – MSU Reporter 04/11/2019
“… As part of the sexual assault awareness month, the LGBT Center and VARP hosted an event called “It happens to us too”. The purpose of this event is to shed more light and raise awareness on domestic violence and sexual assault in the LGBTQ community. …”

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Domestic abuse in LGBT relationships is more common than you realize

By Philadelphia Weekly on 04/17/2019

“… The most common depiction of domestic violence is a woman as victim, threatened by a man. The reality of who commits and experiences abuse – and what it looks like – though, is more complex. Stereotypes about gender affect how abusive situations are handled by not only bystanders and authorities, but the people in the relationship. …”

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